
Committee on Academic Performance (CAP)

The Committee on Academic Performance (CAP) is composed of the faculty members of the Board of Directors and chaired by the FAR. The Committee has the authority to examine and evaluate the academic performance of all candidates for intercollegiate athletic teams, to determine their eligibility for competition in intercollegiate athletic teams, to determine their eligibility for competition in intercollegiate athletics in accordance with NCAA Constitution, Article 2, and to take any other action regarding such candidates as may seem necessary or appropriate in the circumstances. Any resulting determinations or actions shall be based upon the academic standards and regulations of the University and its academic units.

Committee members:
Krista Wallace-Boaz, Chair
Melissa Barnes
Harini Chenna
Jeremy Clark
Jason Cumberledge
Carolyn Klinge
Meg Hancock
Brandon McCormack
Sharon Moore
Sherri Wallace

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee, appointed by the Chair of the Board of Directors, is composed of:

  • the Chair or the Chair’s designee
  • the FAR
  • 1 vice president
  • 1 administrator, who may also hold a faculty appointment
  • 1 faculty member
  • 1 trustee
  • 1 at-large member
  • the Responsible Officer (non-voting, ex officio) (Athletic Director)

The Committee acts for the Board of Directors in the interim between regular meetings of the board. The delegation of power and authority from the Board of Directors to the Executive Committee shall be, as determined by the Board, subject to the limitations imposed by law.

Committee members:
Kim Schatzel, Chair
Krista Wallace-Boaz (FAR)
Charlie Perusse (vice president)
Douglas Craddock (administrator)
Jeremy Clark (faculty)
Sherrill Zimmerman (trustee)
Sam Rechter (at-large)
Josh Heird, ex officio, non-voting (responsible officer)

Finance and Budget Committee

The Finance and Budget Committee, appointed by the Chair of the Board of Directors from the membership of the board, is chaired by the Treasurer.  It is the function of this committee to recommend the annual operating budget of the Corporation and all financial policy to the Corporation’s Board of Directors.

    Committee Members:
    Kari Donahue, Chair
    Gerry Bradley
    Charlie Perusse
    Meg Hancock
    Brandon McCormack
    Allie Rose Phillips
    Sam Rechter
    Sandy Russell
    Kim Schatzel
    Andrew Trager-Kusman
    Krista Wallace-Boaz

    Personnel Committee

    The Personnel Committee, appointed by the Chair of the Board of Directors from the membership of the board, functions to:

    • Recommend the employment of the Athletic Director and the Associate Athletic Director(s), and
    • Conduct a review annually of the performance of the Athletic Director and submit its review to the Board of Directors and to the President for the President's consideration.

    Committee Members:
    Kim Schatzel, Chair
    Gerry Bradley
    Jeremy Clark
    Kari Donahue
    Meg Hancock
    Sharon Moore
    Krista Wallace-Boaz

    It shall be the function of this Committee to recommend the annual operating budget of the Corporation and all financial policy to the Corporation’s Board of Directors.

    Office of the President

    Grawemeyer Hall, Suite 102

    University of Louisville

    Louisville, Kentucky 40292

    Social Media


