Featuring panelists from POL SCI and HUM at UofL, includes student panelists
Welcome Prof. Ruth Dike
Bringing inter-disciplinary expertise along with her, UofK Prof. Dike joins us this fall to teach Anthro 319: Anthro of the Middle East. Please welcome Prof. Dike to the UofL Community.
Student award winners, 2021
Congratulations to Elizabeth Turner who won the Mary Churchill Humphreys Award, and to Claire Gothard and Reagan Miller, winners of the Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship in Morocco.
Middle East and Islamic Studies Minor
An interdisciplinary program - anthropology, art history, history, humanities, pan-African studies, political science, sociology, and Arabic language.
The Middle East and Islamic Studies (MEIS) program strives to promote research and education about Islam and the Middle East to the University community. Our philosophy is that one must acquire competency in language, social sciences and the humanities to fully understand and appreciate this region. Therefore, the program employs an interdisciplinary approach by offering courses in Arabic language, anthropology, art history, humanities, history, and political science.
Minor in Middle East and Islamic Studies Minor This program offers an interdisciplinary study of Islam and the Middle East through coursework in anthropology, art history, history, humanities, pan-African studies, political science, sociology, and Arabic language.
Arabic Program Minor The emergence of the Arabic language on a global scale has inspired the University of Louisville to offer a newly expanded Arabic Program that offers basic, intermediate and advanced courses.