
Decreasing Your Diabetes Medication Needs

By: Emily Koenig, PharmD; Christine Magill, PharmD; and Chris Harlow PharmD

Making some simple changes in your diet can help you better control your blood sugars. If you are able to better control your blood sugars through your diet, you may be able to stop taking some of your diabetes medications.

Here are a few simple ways to change your diet:

  • Be aware of foods that raise your blood sugar but you may not think of as being high in sugar. This includes foods like pasta, potatoes, and crackers.
  • Avoid foods that have added sugar. Foods that naturally contain sugar cause less spikes in your blood sugar. For example, eat fruit instead of drinking fruit juice.
  • Increase the amount of fiber in your diet, this also helps control spikes in your blood sugar. For example, eating whole grain breads or pastas instead of white bread or pasta.
  • Drink non-caloric beverages when you are thirsty.
  • Try to eat less at a time. Use a smaller plate at meals. Do not skip meals. Only have one serving, avoid seconds.