Herbals & Supplements

How do I know which Natural Products to buy with so many varieties available?

By: Joanne Jansen PharmD and Anjanette Dymerski PharmD

GarlicBecause natural products are not regulated by the FDA, it is a concern that the natural products do not contain the ingredients they claim to.

However, there are certain natural products that have been verified by the United States Pharmacopeia (USP), which is a nonprofit, nongovernmental, standards-setting organization. They are responsible for improving public health as well as patient safety.

USP standards are known worldwide and created through volunteers representing pharmacy, medicine and other healthcare professions. There are also volunteers from the pharmaceutical industry science, academia, government, and consumer organizations.

What does USP verified mean?

  • The product actually contains the ingredients listed on the product label, in the stated strengths and amounts.
  • The product does not contain harmful levels of contaminants.
  • The product will break down and release the active ingredients in a specific amount of time.
  • The product has been produced under Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs).

How will I know if a product is USP verified?

Look for the USP Verified Mark on the bottle.

USP Verified Mark

More information available at the Natural Products Database of The Pharmacist’s Letter.