LGBT Campus Visit Day to Draw Students from Across the Region
The UL LGBT Center and Office of Admissions are partnering for the 2nd annual Cardinal OUTlook Day, a campus visit day that features a comprehensive look at what makes the University of Louisville one of the most LGBT-friendly schools in the country.
Guests will hear from university officials and LGBT student leaders, visit the LGBT Center, tour the campus to see LGBT programs and spaces, and meet with Admissions officials to start the application process. The day will include lunch, a packet of helpful information, and concurrent sessions for parents and school officials to talk to LGBT Center staff.
OUTlook day will be held on April 16 from 9:00am-2:00pm, and will showcase the University of Louisville as a welcoming, inclusive campus for LGBT students and the school-of-choice for high school students in the region thinking about higher education.
"We are so proud to be named one of the top 25 most LGBT-friendly schools in the country, and now we want to make sure high school students are considering us as a college choice that will empower them to reach their highest potential," said center director Brian Buford.
Registration is free, but an RSVP is required to confirm attendance. Guests should register at:
For questions, additional information, or a PDF version of this flier to be shared with high school students, guidance counseling staff, teachers, GSA advisers, and others, write the LGBT Center at or call 502-852-0696.