Reel 120 L.D.B. Clippings & Traffic Efficiency Scrapbooks

Clippings III 1905-1916

Traffic Efficiency I 1908-1910, II 1910, III January 1911

Reel 120 continues the L.D.B. Clippings III scrapbook. This volume contains articles and clippings on Zionism, some written by Brandeis and includes his essay, "The Jewish Problem: How to Solve It." Other articles deal with Brandeis' successful scheme to sell life insurance through Massachusetts Savings Banks. Material of special interest added to the back of this scrapbook are letters from Felix Frankfurter and Florence Kelley. A complete listing of the contents of the scrapbook can be found here.

The remainder of the reel contains the first two and half of a third scrapbook devoted to "Traffic Efficiency." Included here are articles by William Z. Ripley of Harvard University on the railway rate system and by Frank Gilbreth on motion studies and standardization of the trades. Traffic Efficiency II and III have news clippings concerned with Brandeis' role as attorney for eastern shippers in a 1910 railway rate case before the Interstate Commerce Commission.

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