Reel 119 L.D.B. Clippings Scrapbooks

Clippings I 1889-1905, II 1908-1916, Clippings III 1905-1916

The scrapbook, L.D.B. Clippings I, begins reel 119. The book, as originally compiled, contains Brandeis speeches, articles written for publication and news clippings on anti-bribery legislation, gas, labor, liquor law, municipal affairs, public institutions, and street railways. It spans the years 1889-1905, and a table of contents is included. The additional material that has been pasted over the original entries includes Adolph Brandeis' naturalization papers, the Justice's first legal brief, the Brandeis family tree, Brandeis' school report cards, admission forms for Harvard University, and letters from people prominent in Brandeis' early career: James Taussig, Charles W. Eliot, James R. Thayer, Samuel D. Warren, Jr., James Barr Ames, Lewis Dembitz, Jeremiah Smith, and Christopher C. Langdell. Click here for a complete listing of everything in the scrapbook.

The second scrapbook is L.D.B. Clippings II, containing biographical articles on Brandeis, some written during the Supreme Court nomination hearings in 1916. Other items include a Wehle family genealogical chart and letters naming Brandeis to various civic groups in Boston, as well as his July 5, 1915 speech at Faneuil Hall, Boston, on "True Americanism." Click here for a complete listing of everything in scrapbook.

The reel ends with the first 50 pages of L.D.B. Clippings III scrapbook. These clippings concern Brandeis and Zionism. Click here for a complete listing of everything in scrapbook.

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