Faculty Senate

Information for the Faculty of the University of Louisville.


Faculty Senate

Meeting Agenda


DATE:  September 3, 2014

TIME:   3:00-5:00 PM

SITE:    Ekstrom Library, Chao Auditorium


There will be a reception to start the new academic year outside Room W210 beginning at 2:30.

Agenda Items for Presentation

  1. Call to Order                                                                                                                                      Steffen
  2. Welcome of new senators                                                                                                           Steffen
  3. ACTION ITEM:Approval  of July minutes Steffen
  4. INFORMATION ITEM: Chair’s Annual Report                                                                       Steffen
  5. INFORMATION ITEM: Passing of the Gavel                                                                          Steffen
  6. INFORMATION ITEM: Incoming Chair’s Remarks                                                               Feldhoff
  7. REPORT: Student Government Association                                                                         Funk
  8. REPORT: Staff Senate                                                                                                                   Brown
  9. ACTION ITEM: Election for Vacant Positions                                                                       Sahoo
  10. ACTION ITEM: Election for ULAA Board PositionFeldhoff
  11. ACTION ITEM: Proposal for the Institute of Sustainable Health and Optimal Aging             Holtze
  12. ACTION ITEM: Second reading of the revised Libraries’ bylaws Wallace-Boaz
  13. REPORT: University Provost (3:40)                                                                                            Willihnganz
  14. REPORT: University  President (4:00)                                                                                       Ramsey
  15. Reports of the Standing Committees of the Faculty Senate
  • Academic Programs                - This committee did not meet Demuth
  • Committee on Committees & Credentials – ELECTION ABOVE Sahoo
  • REDBOOK & Bylaws (Report)                                                                                               Wallace-Boaz
  • Part Time Faculty                                                                                                                     Peacock
  • Planning & Budget Committee (Report)  –Proposal above Holtze
  • Executive Committee Feldhoff
  1. Other Reports: FAR |
  2. New Business
  3. Announcements
  4. Adjournment