Summer Data Science Short Class

Summer Data Science Short Class - Self Paced and Online. 

Introduction video on Youtube

The schedule is as follows:

  1. Day 1- Why learn about data? Examples of how data can be useful for businesses, governments, researchers, and policy makers. The first day will also include an introduction to R and Rstudio.

  2. Day 2- Making sense of data. Data cleaning and transformation with Tidyverse. 

  3. Day 3- Data visualization in R (graphs, charts, and maps). Extra notes here and here

  4. Day 4- Research Methods. T-test and Regression in R

  5. Day 5- Merging Data and Webscrapping (no module): (video 1 - merging) (video 2 - webscrapping) (notes)

Required: Every student will need a laptop. Instructions on how to install R and Rstudio  on a pc or a mac (hat tip to Reed College who has more resources here).

Download this file and run it in Rstudio. Here is a quick video on how to do that. It will install all of the required packages and swirl assignments. Here are the instruction on how to use swirl.

Expectation: Camp participants are expected to know basic statistics and have access to a computer. The only way to really learn data science is BY DOING data science

Contact: Dr. Jose M. Fernandez @UofLEcon or

Suggestions: I welcome suggestions or requests for new materials. I will try to address these given my time constraints.