CFCWB has provided training to professional audiences in a wide variety of topics including the following:
- Trauma-informed Care Model for Organizations
- Motivational Interviewing
- Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
- Anti-Racism
- Disproportionality and Disparate Outcomes in Child Welfare
- Student Mental Health Issues
- Mind Matters Psychoeducational Program
- Best practices in telehealth
- Coping with COVID
- Transitioning back from COVID
Training Offerings
Transitioning Back to
In-Person Work

- New challenges in transition period
- Update on coping skills for transition
- Supporting students and other faculty/staff
- Managing ongoing mental health issues
- Recovering what was lost
Secondary Traumatic Stress

- As students share with us their life experiences and current challenges, we may experience secondary traumatic stress symptoms
- Trauma in the community can also create traumatic stress
- Our personal trauma background impacts how we respond
- Learn how recognize and respond to STS
Managing Workplace Relationships

- Derivative of evidence-based program Winning in the Workplace
- Communication and conflict resolution skills
- Emotional intelligence
- Team dynamics
Supportive Supervision

- Social support models applied to workplace supervision
- Support strategies for effective supervision
- Role of attachment in the supervisor relationship
- Managing and supporting the responses of those we supervise

CFCWB has developed an evidence informed program that includes:
- Microaggressions and microresistance strategies
- History of race/racism and systemic racism across systems
- Dismantling systemic racism and macro strategies for change (use of media, political, and social activism)
Learn about other trainings at CFCWB:
| How to Engage, Assess, & Recommend Training (HEART) | A Certification Program for Collegiate Coaches, Athletic Trainers, and other Health & Performance Staff Supporting Student Athlete Well-Being |
HEART (How to Engage, Assess, & Recommend Training) is a multidisciplinary project that will leverage the expertise of the Center for Family and Community Well-Being (CFCWB) in training and evaluation to provide an evidence-informed training to coaches, athletic trainers, and other athlete health & performance support staff working at the University of Louisville (UofL) Athletics Department. The training of coaches in student mental health targets the priority areas of student mental health and psychological well-being through enhanced understanding and support of coaches. Student athlete mental health has been a documented area of concern for many years, with an estimated 35% of athletes experiencing clinical levels of mental distress while only 10% seek services and an escalation of rates by 150-250% during COVID. Coaches/trainers/staff serve a critical support role in recognizing, responding positively, and referring students to these supports. |
| Mind Matters™ & Love Notes™ | Partnering with community organizations to provide evidence-based programming to vulnerable youth. |
The CFCWB builds on long-standing partnerships with community-based organizations in the Louisville area that serve vulnerable youth with histories of trauma, mental health challenges, and other social-emotional risk factors to provide evidence-based psychoeducational programs that build resilience and foster well-being. CFCWB has rigorously facilitated and evaluated the Mind Matters program for trauma resiliency/coping and the Love Notes program for healthy relationships and prevention of violence and high-risk behaviors for over 10 years has as amassed evidence in support of their effectiveness. |
| Motivational Interviewing at Maryhurst | Training Maryhurst staff in Motivational Interviewing (MI) to improve overall care and effectiveness of programming for families and children. |
Maryhurstoffers a range of services to at-risk youth. The organization is working to improve enhance the overall quality of care and effectiveness of programming for youth through training of staff in evidence-based practices. The CFCWB will provide:
- Core training of staff in Motivational Interviewing: This activity will include customization of motivational interviewing training for Maryhurst staff to address the unique service delivery setting and connect to other practice models being utilized.
- Booster sessions with staff in Motivational Interviewing: One hour each month for the six months following foundation training for a total of six sessions.
- Evaluation of knowledge and fidelity to Motivational Interviewing: The Center will develop a knowledge test to be administered pre, post, and follow up for evaluation of mastery of core concepts, and a fidelity checklist to be used by staff to self-assess fidelity to the model on a sample of cases. Basic analysis and reporting of these data will be completed by the Center, which will include descriptive analysis of knowledge test scores and fidelity scores at key time periods.
In addition to core training, the Center will provide: - Classroom training of Maryhurst trainers: The Center will modify the MI training developed for clinicians for a TOT (Train the Trainer) format to include training on both process and content of MI training. This training will engage trainers in an experiential learning format to prepare them to facilitate MI training.
- Co-training with Maryhurst trainers: The Center will co-facilitate with Maryhurst trainers, including the Center Director/Staff and two Maryhurst trainers. The trainers will co-facilitate with the Center in pairs.
- Observation of Maryhurst trainers: The Center will observe independent training of clinicians by Maryhurst trainers.
- Evaluation of trainers: The Center will administer the on-line knowledge test developed for evaluation of mastery of core concepts following classroom training for “certification” of trainers. The Center will develop and complete a fidelity checklist for phases 2 (co-training) and 3 (observed training) to evaluate fidelity to training curriculum for facilitators. The Center will also administer and analyze knowledge and fidelity data from participants in phases 2 and 3 of the TOT program; data on participants reflects effectiveness of trainers. Basic analysis and reporting of these data will be completed by the Center, which will include descriptive analysis of knowledge test scores and fidelity scores at key time periods.
| Navigate: Helping Families Navigate Suicide Risk | Three-day curriculum for professionals to become a Certified Family Navigator for Suicide Risk |
Dr. Laura M. Frey, a leading suicidologist, has generated Navigate, a three-day training in a manualized curriculum for professionals to become a Certified Family Navigator for Suicide Risk. This training will give you the tools you need to understand how to navigate family dynamics when working with suicidal individuals. You’ll leave with a better understanding of suicide risk, what family members can do, and tip sheets for talking directly with individuals and their families The training covers topics involving: - Learning how to conduct a suicide risk assessment and determine the appropriate level of response
- Specifying family factors affecting both youth and adult suicide risk
- How to consider a family component even when working with only the suicidal individual
- How to help families understand how they can best support their suicidal loved one
| Suicide Assessment for Clinicians Working with Individuals & Families | Suicide assessment training for clinicians. |
This workshop covers suicide risk assessments and the important implications for working with individuals and families. Materials covered in this workshop are adapted from M. David Rudd’s Assessment and Management of Suicidality, which is a resource guide for clinicians who wish to learn the skills needed to assess, manage, and treat clients at risk for suicidal behavior. This guide covers key components for mitigating suicide risk, and it remains a leading resource for training new and experienced clinicians. Participants will learn the prevalence of suicide and important terminology, how to conduct suicide risk assessments, After this training, attendees will be able to: - Demonstrate an ability to screen for self-harm behavior and suicide risk
- Recognize a systemic perspective of suicide that highlights the role of family members, friends, and treatment providers
- Understand their scope of practice for suicide and know where to refer individuals beyond their scope of practice.
| Supportive Supervision | Providing evidence-informed training on supportive supervision to improve UofL trauma surgeons' well-being. |
In response to the growing concerns about burnout and related quality of care and training issues among surgeons/surgical residents, UofL Trauma Surgery has partnered with the CFCWB to provide an evidence-informed four-hour training on supportive supervision, that includes the following modules:
- stress, burnout, and trauma among healthcare providers;
- support strategies and support seeking processes;
- communication, filters, giving and receiving effective feedback;
- business chemistry work styles, attachment, and social allergies in the workplace;
- coaching and problem focused support; and
- emotion focused support and stress management strategies.
This training will be rigorously evaluated through a longitudinal design measuring specific supervisory and support behaviors, as well as a number of individual and organizational factors that impact stress, burnout, trauma, and job commitment. |
| Transitioning Back to In-Person Work | CFCWB-developed program to assist in the transition back to in-person activities and our new "normal". |