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The Center for Family & Community Well-Being

See Forward Ministries

Need: See Forward recently conducted a community needs assessment related to refugee/immigrant populations in the Louisville area. There is a need for support of quantitative and qualitative evaluation to supplement this needs assessment, as well as dissemination activities related to community needs. 

Opportunity: The Center for Family and Community Well-Being (CFCWB) at the Kent School of Social Work has as part of its mission to engage in rigorous research and evaluation to promote well-being of vulnerable individuals, families, organizations, and communities. These areas of service and expertise align with the priorities and needs of See Forward with this new project.

Proposal: The CFCWB proposes to partner with See Forward in the following areas:

  1. Analysis of needs assessment data: CFCWB will conduct additional quantitative analysis of needs assessment data as feasible and needed to supplement the preliminary analysis/report by See Forward.
  2. Qualitative evaluation of community members: Interviews and focus groups will be conducted with community representatives to develop an in-depth understanding of lived experiences of the target population to clarify the quantitative data. Up to five focus groups and 10 interviews may be conducted by CFCWB students/staff.
  3. Quantitative evaluation around thematic areas: Rapid assessments will be developed and disseminated around specific thematic areas from quantitative (survey) and qualitative (focus group/interview) data.
  4. Dissemination of needs assessment findings: Infographics, reports, and presentations will be developed based on quantitative and qualitative evaluation data by CFCWB; will assist with presentation to community.

Below are the highlights of a community needs assessment from October 2023.

First page of the community needs assessment from October

Second page of the community needs assessment from October