LMPH - Health Status of Louisville - 2007
LMPH - Health Status of Louisville - 2012
Lou SDAT West of Ninth - AIA Communities by Design - 2015
Louisville Enterprise Zone Rezoning - Jefferson County and Shively portions - 1987
Louisville HANDS Program
Louisville Urban League - State of African American Youth
Louisville Vacant Properties Campaign Presentation
Metro Citizen Handbook
Metro Econ Dev - W Market St Plan - 2009
NSP Plan 3-12-2012
Ohio River Master Plan - 1996
Olmstead Master Plan - Iroquis
Olmstead Master Plan - Shawnee
Olmstead Master Plan - Table of Contents
Olmstead Shared-Use Path System - 1 - History
Olmstead Shared-Use Path System - 2 - Process
Olmstead Shared-Use Path System - 4- Existing Conditions
Olmstead Shared-Use Path System - 6 - Implementation
Olmstead Shared-Use Path System - 5 - Design Recommendations
Olmstead Shared-Use Path System - 3 - Previous Studies