The A&S Research Office
The Research Handbook provides assistance and guidance to faculty and staff who are involved in the preparation of proposals to and in the administration of awards received from external sponsors. When the University of Louisville Research Foundation, Inc. (ULRF) accepts extramural support as the limited agent for the University of Louisville, the Institution also accepts the responsibility of complying with the sponsor’s terms of agreement as well as various regulatory and compliance requirements. The intent of this handbook is to define responsibilities for the preparation, review, management and reporting requirements of sponsored programs that will allow the Institution to comply with these agreement terms and compliance requirements. The responsibilities of principal investigators/project directors (PIs/PDs), chairs, deans, and the Office of the Executive Vice President for Research and Innovation are outlined in the handbook. The handbook includes links to University policies and procedures, including the Red Book, relevant Board of Trustees policies and other guidelines important to those involved in sponsored programs. Suggestions for revisions or requests for clarification should be submitted to the EVPRI Service Account.