Programs at the LGBT Center

The LGBT Center offers a variety of programs that support, enrich, and educate students, faculty, and staff members at the University of Louisville. We welcome you to explore how we carry out our mission through these programs, and hope you’ll participate with us! Information for our programs are below, and for more information check out the links to the left, our Instagram page, or email us.


LGBT Center - Belknap

Cultural & Equity Success Center

120 E. Brandeis Ave.

University of Louisville

Louisville, Kentucky 40292

Phone:(502) 852-0696

Office Hours

The Cultural & Equity Success Center on Belknap Campus is open 
M-F 9am-5pm

HSC LGBT Center is open
M-F 9am-5pm

Social Media

LGBT Center - HSC

500 S. Preston St.

A Building, Room 209C/D

Louisville, Kentucky 40292

Phone:(502) 852-5861