Faculty Senate

Information for the Faculty of the University of Louisville.


University of Louisville

Faculty Senate Meeting

July 1, 2015


The regular meeting of the Faculty Senate was held on July 1, 2015 at 3:00 P.M. in Room 124 in the Dental School, HSC Campus, Pamela Feldhoff presiding.


Senators Registering Attendance:

A&S: David Brown, Jasmine Farrier, Greg Hutcheson, Ron Sahoo, David Simpson, Joseph Steffen, Beth Willey, Elaine Wise BUSINESS: Rob Barker, Ben Foster, Bruce Kemelgor, Robert Myers DENTISTRY: Ricardo Caicedo, Don Demuth, Robert Staat, Lee Mayer EDUCATION: Monica Delano, Patrick Hardesty KENT: Martin Hall LAW: Luke Milligan, Enid Trucios-Haynes LIBRARIES: Carrie Daniels, Terri Holtze, Margo Smith MEDICINE: Forest Arnold, Pamela Feldhoff, Sham Kakar MUSIC: Krista Wallace-Boaz NURSING: Heather Owens PART-TIME FACULTY: Joseph Gutmann, Rose Mills, Susan Peacock PUBLIC HEALTH: Ray Austin SPEED: J.P. Mohsen

Also Attending:

Ex Officio:                                            James Ramsey, Alex Stewart

Other University Representation:            Tracy Eells (Provost’s Office), Bob Stenger (ULARP)

Guests:                                               Rohan Christie-David, Paul DeMarco, Steve Gohman, Anna Pepper

Press:                                                 Janet Cappiello (UofL Today)

Senate Coordinator:                               Gretchen Henry


Senators Not Registering Attendance:

A&S: Jennie Burnet, Carrie Donald, Karen Hadley EDUCATION: Caroline Sheffield, Tom Simmons  KENT: Seana Golder, Wanda Lott Collins LAW: Kurt Metzmeier MEDICINE: Yousef Abu-Kwaik, Eric Burton, Luz Fernandez, Arun Gadre, Guomin Jiang, Saeed Jortani, Brad Keller, Jeffery King, Rainer Lenhardt, Kenneth Palmer, Chin Ng, David Stirling, Michael Tseng  MUSIC: Randi Boling, Dror Biran NURSING: Valerie McCarthy, Karen Singleton PART-TIME FACULTY: Donna Gaus, John Ritz, Michael Wade PUBLIC HEALTH: Scott LaJoie SPEED: Roger Bradshaw, Kyung Kang, Kevin Walsh


CALL TO ORDER:  Feldhoff


ACTION ITEM: Meeting Minutes - The meeting minutes from June 3, 2015 were approved unanimously as distributed.


ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: Chair Feldhoff read the names of the outgoing senators and thanked them for their service.  New senators will be welcomed at the September meeting.


REPORT: Student Government Association –Stewart

This report was available online.

REPORT: Staff Senate – Ginger Brown

No report was made.


ACTION ITEM: John Schnatter Center for Free Enterprise – P&B Committee - Brown

The Planning & Budget Committee met in April to review the proposal. The committee requested revisions that were provided satisfactorily. Planning & Budget approved the proposal.  A brief discussion followed Senator Holtze’s concern that the research would be based on one political viewpoint. Interim Dean Chistie-David said that academic research should not exclude all aspects of an enterprise. This research will not focus on the downside of an enterprise by asking, “What is NOT good for human evolution?”  It will ask, “Is this viable or not?”  The first contract that was presented to the College of Business was not acceptable. Dr. Christie-David convened a committee to study it and it agreed. He told President Ramsey that the proposal would not work.  After the 17th iteration, a workable contract was submitted.  After 5 years, the contract can be renewed, or not. Tenure for faculty will come after this. Senator Holtze also had some concern of program duplication and that funding from a right-wing corporation would muddy the stellar reputation of the standing entrepreneurship program. Dr. Christie-David said that there is no duplication. He is only looking at the academic point of view and not the political. He said ideas must circulate. Courses will be titled from various economic viewpoints: Socialism, Capitalism, etc.  Senator Willey stated that she would hate to see the policing of colleagues curricula, but would like to see a reporting structure. Dr. Christie-David said that the center’s director will report directly to him and the chair of the Department of Economics. The center will be reviewed in 3 years by the dean of the College of Business. The proposal passed with one dissent.



Updating the Senate on activities in Frankfort, Dr. Ramsey said that the revenue receipts for FY2014-2015 could be as much as $175M, but that the expense side imbalance will lower that figure. On October 10th, the consensus forecast for the next biennium is due. The CPE is still talking about a performance-based funding model. Both UofL and UK support it and have agreed to 5 performance points. Of those 5, 2-3 will be common and the remainder will be unique to each school. Nothing definite has been decided.  On July 10th, he is meeting with the UL Foundation to approve its budget, which includes $2M more than last year from current gifts and endowment earnings. A report was requested by the University Board of Trustees, and was made by Mr. Junior Bridgeman and business leaders, to review and clarify compensation decisions that had been approved by the Foundation. The Board of Trustees Budget & Strategy Committee meets on July 13th to review the metrics set by the Board of Trustees. On July 17th, the Board of Trustees annual retreat takes place in Prestonsburg, in eastern Kentucky. As has been reported, the Kentucky state auditor wants to review the governance process at UofL, its Board of Trustees and the Foundation. The media has been inaccurately reporting that the Foundation is making decisions on compensation outside of the Board of Trustees. He will work with the auditor to get this taken care of. He wants to get this issue resolved before starting another and bigger capital campaign. He wants to get started on the search for a provost as that is the most important academic position at the University. Searches for deans for the College of Business, Kent School and Dentistry are starting soon. Asked about the compensation report, President Ramsey said that the Board of Trustees decided last year to develop that report this year. A company was hired to do the study. The meetings are open and a report will be made available. Asked about the title change of the provost, he responded that COO was too large of a reporting structure for one person. The theory at that time was that all academic supports should report up. In a CFO/COO, we needed to find someone who understands our mission. Harlan Sands has finance experience in a provostial setting.  Dr. Willihnganz had a difficult task with so many reporting lines. We have rewritten the job description for the provost position. Asked about the sale of Humana, Dr. Ramsey said it may have a negative effect on the community as it is such a large employer and is such a great partner in local projects and the Jones family has been very good to the community and UofL.


INFORMATION ITEM: Proposal for MA/MS in Interdisciplinary Studies: Concentration in Sustainability – Demuth

This proposal comes as an information item only, as the initial proposal for the MA/MS Interdisciplinary Studies was previously approved by the Faculty Senate.  The business before the Senate today is to endorse this particular track within Interdisciplinary Studies. The proposal was reviewed by the Academic Programs and Planning & Budget Committees.  All concerns and questions from the committee were answered satisfactorily. The vote to endorse this track was unanimous.


ACTION ITEM: Second reading: School of Nursing Bylaws; First reading: A&S personnel document –Wallace-Boaz

  • Second  reading: School of Nursing Bylaw revisions
    • There was no discussion and the revisions passed unanimously.
  • First reading: A&S personnel document revision (Sec. 2.1; #8; added word “tenured”)
    • There is no discussion for a first reading. Discussion is allowed at the second reading in September.


INFORMATION ITEM: CEHD Department Name Change – Wallace-Boaz

This departmental name change was approved by the faculty of the College of Education. I t was also approved by the Faculty Senate Executive Committee. The changes are:

  • Counseling and Human Development from Educational & Counseling Psychology, Counseling, and College Student Personnel
  • Educational Leadership, Evaluation, and Organizational Development from Leadership Foundations and Human Resource Education


It was noted that every department name change makes it harder for students to find documents in the library.



REPORT: Standing Committees of the Faculty Senate

Academic Programs Committee (APC) – Demuth – As above and online

Committee on Committees and Credentials (CCC) – SahooThis committee did not meet.

Part-time Faculty Committee (PTFC) – Peacock – This committee did not meet.

Planning & Budget Committee (P&B) – Brown This committee met on June 10th and discussed the Commonwealth Institute and the degree in Sustainability.

Redbook & Bylaws Committee (RB) – Wallace-BoazAs above

Executive Committee (XC) – Trucios-Haynes –This committee met on June 17th and discussed the CPE’s agenda; received a presentation from Mr. Sands; and, received an update from the compensation ad hoc committee.



  • Faculty Athletic Representative (FAR) – Elaine Wise – This report was available online.
  • Human Resources Advisory Committee (HRAC) – Pam Feldhoff - This report was available online.

REPORT: Faculty Senate Chair – Feldhoff

  • The tree that was donated by the Executive Committee, in honor of past chair Joe Steffen, is now planted and has its plaque. It is located on the library side of Strickler Hall.
  • As a reminder: there is no Faculty Senate meeting in August.
  • Harlan Sands is invited to the September meeting.

New Business


Old Business





The meeting was adjourned at 4:10 P.M.


Respectfully submitted,

Gretchen Stein Henry

Faculty Senate Secretary