Department of Sociology

For contact information for Sociology faculty, staff, and GTAs, please visit Our People

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Recent Faculty Research

Carini, Robert M. (2025).  Customization of U.S. Holidays: Agency and NonconformitySocial Sciences14(3), 179. 

Vincent J. Roscigno, Jasmine Whiteside, Erick Axxe, Anne Mcdaniel, and Oded Mcdossi. (2025). Being first-generation.  Context, vol 24(1), pp.72-74.

Aaron Panofsky, Kushan Dasgupta, Nicole Iturriaga, Bernard Koch. (2024). Confronting the “Weaponization” of Genetics by Racists Online and Elsewhere. The Hastings Report, 54(S2).  

Whiteside, J. L. (2024).Race, ethnicity, and stratification within the first-generation student experience. Race Ethnicity and Education, 1–20

Dasgupta, Kushan, Nicole Iturriaga, and Aaron Panofsky.  (2024).  “Racist Agnotology: How Myth-Making About Institutions and Knowledge Production Contributes to Racialized Ignorance.” Sociology of Race & Ethnicity

Gast, Melanie Jones, Yohimar Sivira-Gonzalez, James Chisholm, & Trisha Douin. 2024. “Multilingual Adolescent Mentors and Tailored College Knowledge for Students of Immigrant Backgrounds.” Supporting College Students of Immigrant Origin: New Insights from Research, Policy, and Practice, edited by Blake Silver & Graziella Pagliarulo McCarron. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 

Department Profiles

Learn more about some of our faculty, graduate students and alumni.

Roelfs Photo

Meet Dr. David Roelfs 



Faculty profile archive
Faculty webpages

Meet grad student, Trisha Douin 



Grad student profile archive
Grad student webpage

Watch PhD alum, Dr. Heidi Williams' TED talk here


Alum webpage


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