Quick Edit

The quick edit tab is used to create and edit your form. It is divided up into two areas, the toolbox, and the form table.

The toolbox contains all of the available form fields for the form. It is divided into groups of field for ease of use.

  1. The first section is Basic Fields, This contains the less complicated fields that are used the most on forms. Things like checkbox, selection, text box.
  2. The second section, More Fields,  contains the more complicated and less used field types such as file, password, and rating scale.
  3. The next section is Fieldsets. This contains the begin and end markers for fieldsets.
  4. The last section, Actions, contains the actions available on submit for your form. These include mailer, and save data.


The form table allows you to see a version of your form with editing, deleting, and ordering capabilities. Each field in the table has 3 columns, order, field, and edit/delete. The order column is used to drag the fields into a new position on the form. The field column displays the field and what it looks like. The Edit/Delete column has an edit button and a delete button for each field.

Edit Button - The edit button will display all of the parameters available for the selected field.

Delete Button - The delete button will remove the field from the form.