Research!Louisville: SPHIS presents documentary film "Healing in the Valley"

When Sep 19, 2022
from 02:00 PM to 04:00 PM
Where School of Nursing auditorium, HSC Campus
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Contact Phone 502-852-3292
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The School of Public Health and Information Sciences (SPHIS) invites you to attend the showing of the documentary film, Healing in the Valley produced by Jelani Kerr, associate professor of health promotion and behavioral sciences at the University of Louisville, SPHIS. The film's focus is informed by Kerr's research on HIV-risks of people in the African Diaspora in the United States and Canada. It highlights stories of African Americans living with HIV and investigates how stigma and anti-Black racism makes African American communities more vulnerable to this disease. It also draws upon the expertise of doctors, researchers, faith leaders, outreach workers, and activists to explore solutions to addressing the HIV epidemic.

Join us Monday, Sept. 19, 2-4 p.m., School of Nursing auditorium, Room HK 4003, HSC Campus. 

2--3 p.m. -- Documentary Screening
3--4 p.m. -- Panel Discussion

For more information, please contact Jelani Kerr, 852-3292, or visit the Research!Louisville webpage.

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