Shih-Ting Huang, PhD

Dr. HuangBioinformatics and Biostatistics
Assistant Professor
Room 208, 485 E. Gray St.
Louisville, KY 40202
Phone: (502) 852-3283


Research Interests: Precision medicine, High-Dimensional Statistics, Deep Learning


  • Huang, Shih-Ting, Yannick Düren, Kristoffer H. Hellton and Johannes Lederer. “Tuning parameter calibration for personalized prediction in medicine.” Electronic Journal of Statistics (2021).
  • Huang, Shih-Ting, Fang Xie and Johannes Lederer. “Tuning-free ridge estimators for high-dimensional generalized linear models.” Comput. Stat. Data Anal. 159 (2020): 107205.
  • Huang, Shih-Ting and Johannes Lederer. “DeepMoM: Robust Deep Learning With Median-of-Means.” Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 32 (2021): 181 - 195.
  • Huang, Shih-Ting and Johannes Lederer. “Targeted deep learning: Framework, methods, and applications.” Stat 12 (2021).

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