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Melissa Schreck
Director, External Affairs and Strategic Planning
Room No. 233G, 485 E. Gray St
Phone: 502-852-8781
Fax: 502-852-3294
I received my M.A.T. in museum education from George Washington University. My training and experience is in informal education, primarily in program development and evaluation.
Current Projects
I work with the school’s management team to coordinate and implement initiatives that improve communication and collaboration among the school’s external and internal stakeholders. Specific duties: Develop marketing materials; create new webpages; promote and coordinate special events; respond to media requests; write and distribute weekly e-newsletter; manages school-sponsored service projects (e.g. farmers market launched in 2009); work closely with university’s Offices of Advancement and Communications and Marketing.
Office Hours
9 a.m. to 5 p.m.