Jovita Murillo León, DrPH, MPH, MA

Department of Health Promotion & Behavioral Sciences
Assistant Professor
School of Public Health and Information Sciences
485 E Gray St., Room 205
Louisville, KY 40202

Dr. Murillo received a Doctorate in Public Health (DrPH) from Claremont Graduate University. Her research interests involve exploring the intersectionality between social determinants of health and health disparities. Her long-term research goals are to develop policies that can address the social needs of women of color and minority populations within health systems. This includes developing a comprehensive understanding of how policies, protocols, and practices that exist in society perpetuate structural determinants in health systems. Dr. Murillo hopes to address the science-practice gap by targeting interventions that can be used to advance measures to protect, preserve, and promote the health and safety of minorities.


Murillo J, Cunningham B, Booker-Vaughns J. The Role of Nutrition and Breast Cancer, Preventive Measures, and Community Engagement- Addressing Breast Cancer Using a Community Lens. J Cancer Res Oncobiol. 2018 Sep; JCRO-S1-1003

Fein, E. H., Agbangnin, G., Murillo, J., Parsons, M., Sakai-Bismark, R., Martinez, A., ... & Kataoka, S. (2022). Encouraging “Positive Views” of Mental Illness in High Schools: An Evaluation of Bring Change 2 Mind Youth Engagement Clubs. Health Promotion Practice, 15248399221098349.

Ubri, P. Bailey, L. Gonsahn, M. Ford, K. Murillo, J. (June 2023). Data Collection in Medicaid to Advance Health Equity: Findings from Interviews with State Medicaid Agencies and Managed Care Organizations.” NORC at the University of Chicago.

Ubri. P. Murillo, J. Ford, K. (June 2023). “Collection of Health-Related Social Needs Data among State Medicaid Agencies and Managed Care Organizations.” NORC at the University of Chicago.

Bailey, L. Gonsahn, M. Ubri, P. Ford, K. Murillo, J. (June 2023). “Collection of Race and Ethnicity Data by State Medicaid Agencies and Health Plans.” NORC at the University of Chicago.

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