2019 International Year of the Periodic Table - University of Louisville Celebration

University of Louisville, SAC W116/117 combo room, February 7, 2019

We will be celebrating those that contributed to the success of the modern Periodic Table. The story of the Periodic Table is one of competition. Many scientists worked to organize the elements into a pattern based on trends. The initial Periodic Table of the Elements was published by John Newlands in Chemical News Vol. 7, Feb. 7, 1863, pp. 70-72. The goal of the table was to place the elements in a way to make chemical reaction prediction more reliable. We will be celebrating John Newlands as the first contributor to the modern Periodic Table. Dmitri Mendeleev will be celebrated as the Father of the Periodic Table based on his published work demonstrating the most progress towards the modern Periodic Table. Moreover, we will celebrate those that worked to make the Modern Periodic Table a success. If we focus on just one contributor to the modern Periodic Table, then we fail to see the struggles associated with the accomplishment.

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