The Great PRIMES Puzzle Hunt

The inaugural Great PRIMES puzzle hunt was a 2-stage, 6 month long event that started with a day long Puzzlehunt in October of 2012 which fed into a much longer lasting series of Puzzles that were released over Facebook through March of 2013.  Winners of the event were announced at the Nerds Under the Start Event in March of 2013.  The initial Puzzlehunt required students to solve a puzzle which would lead them to specific points on campus where a second puzzle would have to be solved.  The answers to these were used during the second stage of the event where the puzzles were more complex and lead to the answer of the metapuzzle for the event.  In our first year, we had about 80 students participating on 17 different teams.

Planning is underway for the Puzzle Hunt 2: Revenge of the Puzzles.