Pro-CHEMEX User Submission Instructions

procedure chemex user submission instructions modified Mon Oct 03 2022 14:45:23 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)

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University of Louisville



CHEMEX User Submission Instructions



This procedure applies to University Community (administrators, faculty, staff, and students).


Only chemicals from University of Louisville labs, clinics and other support centers can be offered for CHEMEX. Chemicals that are unopened or partially used are eligible for CHEMEX. An opened chemical container must be certified as uncontaminated by the offeror. See Related Information section below for the criteria for acceptable chemicals in CHEMEX.

If a laboratory has a chemical that meets the acceptable criteria, the principal investigator or authorized lab personnel can submit a request for pick up via the on-line CHEMEX form. To submit a chemical for CHEMEX, provide the following information on the form:

  1. First name of offeror.
  2. Last name of offeror.
  3. Phone number of offeror (if cell phone, please provide area code).
  4. Department name.
  5. E-mail address of offeror.
  6. Building name where the chemical(s) is located (If an offeror has multiple CHEMEX chemical submission locations, a separate form must be completed for each location).
  7. Room number where the chemical(s) is located.
  8. E-mail address of offeror.
  9. Chemical name.
  10. Chemical abstract registry number (CASRN).
  11. Purity grade (Lab, Technical, Reagent, HPLC, etc.).
  12. Container size (numeric field followed by a drop down with units of measurement to include – mg, g, Kg, oz., lb., ml, L, pt., qt., gal, other).
  13. Container type (drop down list to include glass, plastic, metal, fiberboard, ampoule, other).
  14. Manufacturer.
  15. Manufacturer catalog or product number.
  16. Has the container been opened? Yes or No.
  17. Certification statement to attest to chemical quality - 

󠄎П󠄎󠄎󠄎  “Checking this box indicates that the chemical(s) you are offering for CHEMEX meet the acceptable criteria as listed on the DEHS CHEMEX web page and is not contaminated with any other chemical to the best of your knowledge.”

Offeror must click on the submit field once all fields have been completed.

DEHS Review and Approval (or Rejection)

After the on-line CHEMEX form has been submitted, please allow the Department of Environmental Health and Safety (DEHS) 7 to 10 business days for review and approval or rejection for pick up from the offeror.


Criteria for Acceptable Chemicals in CHEMEX 

  1. Chemical must be within its recommended shelf-life period.
  2. Chemical must be in its original container. 
  3. Chemical container must be in good condition and all labels must be legible. 
  4. Chemical must maintain chemical integrity at ambient room temperature. Due to limited storage capability, chemicals which require refrigeration or freezer are not accepted into CHEMEX at this time. 
  5. If the chemical has been opened, the chemical must be unadulterated. This must be certified by the offeror. A certification statement must be attached to the container. 
  6. Each chemical will be reviewed prior to acceptance, DEHS may request an MSDS’s from the offeror. 
  7. The person who receives the chemical is responsible to determine the suitability of the chemical for their use. 
  8. DEHS reserves the right to reject any chemical which they deem to not fit the conditions set forth in line items 1 – 5. 

Unacceptable Chemicals

The following items are not eligible for CHEMEX:

  1. Expired chemicals.
  2. No laboratory prepared formulations.
  3. Cylinder, lecture bottles, and dewars.
  4. Radioactive materials.
  5. DEA controlled substances.
  6. Infectious substances and select agents.
  7. Highly reactive chemicals.
  8. Chemical that requires refrigeration or freezer.
  9. Any chemical DEHS deems could pose a substantial health or safety risk (i.e. potential peroxide formers).

Senior Associate Vice President for Operations


Environmental Health and Safety
University of Louisville
Louisville, KY 40292


Revision Date(s):

Reviewed Date(s):

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