Policy Workers Compensation

policy workers compensation modified Mon Feb 20 2023 15:31:48 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time)

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University of Louisville



Workers Compensation


July 1, 2006


This policy applies to all university employees.


Workers’ Compensation KRS 342.73. Provide guidance to employees that are injured or ill due to a work-related incident.


Employees who are injured on the job and are seeking medical treatment may see the physician or provider of their choice. If the employee needs immediate medical attention, they may go to any emergency facility.

Claims should be reported to Enterprise Risk and Insurance as quickly as possible.

Workers' Compensation Insurance will begin paying compensation after the employee has been off work due to a work-related injury or illness for at least seven (7) consecutive calendar days. If the employee is off work for more than fourteen (14) consecutive calendar days, compensation is also payable for the first seven (7) calendar days of the injury. Workers' Compensation only pays lost time benefits for full days off work, at the direction (in writing) of the treating physician. The amount of pay from Workers' Compensation is two-thirds (2/3) of the employee's weekly pay. An employee may use their sick and/or vacation leave to bring the total compensation from all sources (UofL and Workers' Compensation) up to the employee's full regular pay.

Workers' Compensation does not pay for time off work for a doctor’s visit, physical therapy, or medical testing.


Please note: If the accident or injury involved an overt exposure to recombinant DNA molecules, the Department of Environmental Health & Safety (DEHS) must be notified immediately by phone at 502-852-6770. After work hours contact the Department of Public Safety (DPS) at 502-852-6111. University of Louisville is required to notify NIH/OBA of the incident immediately as directed by the NIH Guidelines.


EMPLOYEE Responsibilities: 

  • It is the employee's responsibility to immediately report their injury or illness to their supervisor. 
  • It is the employee's responsibility to make any appointments for treatment and make sure the provider is clear that your visit is a Workers' Compensation claim. If the employee needs their Workers' Compensation claim number, they need to contact Enterprise Risk at 502-852-4654 or rskmgt@louisville.edu. 
  • It is the injured employee's responsibility to notify their supervisor/department each time their treating physician takes them off work (due to their work-related injury or illness). The injured or ill employee must keep their supervisor/department informed of their work status by providing updated off work statements from their treating physician(s).
  • The UofL Workers' Compensation carrier will mail to the injured/ill employee a Designated Physician Form (Form 113) and the Medical Waiver and Consent Form. The two forms should be completed and returned to the Workers' Compensation carrier within 10 days of receiving the forms.

SUPERVISOR Responsibilities:

  • It is the supervisor's responsibility to immediately complete the online Workers' Comp Claim Form. See the Enterprise Risk and Insurance website for submission process.
  • It is the supervisor's responsibility to keep Enterprise Risk informed of the work status of their injured employee(s).

Vice President for Risk, Audit, and Compliance


Enterprise Risk and Insurance
215 Central Avenue, Suite 205
Louisville, KY 40208
Phone: 502-852-4654
Email: rskmgt@louisville.edu 


Revision Date(s): 1995; 2000; July 1, 2006; May 10, 2021; February 20, 2023

Reviewed Date(s): August 24, 2020

The University Policy and Procedure Library is updated regularly. In order to ensure a printed copy of this document is current, please access it online at http://louisville.edu/policies.