Policy Open Flame

policy open flame modified Wed Oct 12 2022 10:36:02 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)

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University of Louisville



Open Flame


March 1, 2004


This policy applies to the University Community (administrators, faculty, staff, and students) and visitors.


Open Flame Devices exhibit the risk of unintentional fires being started that could potentially result in serious consequences. Open Flame Devices include candles, torches, lighters, lanterns, sky lanterns, oil lamps, butane burners, incense, grills, bonfires, all pyrotechnic devices and any other flame or spark producing device. This policy is designed to reduce potential fire hazards, which will in turn reduce the risk of property loss, injury and/or death on the University of Louisville (University) campuses as well as other University owned or leased properties. This will enhance overall fire safety for our students, faculty, staff, guests and facilities.


The burning of Open Flame Devices is prohibited on all University owned and leased properties, unless prior approval has been obtained from the University Fire Marshal.  Event organizers who have received pre-approval from the University Fire Marshal for the use of Open Flame Devices shall obtain all necessary permits and insurance coverages required by the specific National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) codes and standards and University policies.

Open Flame Devices shall not be used in any assembly occupancy, unless otherwise permitted by one of the following:

  1. Pyrotechnic special effect devices shall be permitted to be used on stages before proximate audiences for ceremonial or religious purposes, as part of a demonstration in exhibits, or as part of a performance, provided that both of the following criteria are met:
    • Precautions satisfactory to the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) are taken to prevent ignition of any combustible material.
    • Use of the pyrotechnic device complies with NFPA 1126 “Standards for the Use of Pyrotechnics Before a Proximate Audience”.
  2. Flame effects before an audience shall be permitted in accordance with NFPA 160 “Standard for the Use of Flame Effects Before an Audience”.
  3. Open Flame Devices shall be permitted to be used in the following situations, provided that precautions satisfactory to the AHJ are taken to prevent ignition of any combustible material or injury to occupants:
    • For ceremonial or religious purposes.
    • On stages and platforms where part of a performance.
    • Where candles on tables are securely supported on substantial noncombustible bases and candle flames are protected (battery operated candles are encouraged in lieu of Open Flame Devices).
  4. This requirement shall not apply to heat producing equipment necessary for building facilities complying with NFPA 1:11.2.2 and NFPA 101:9.2.
  5. This requirement shall not apply to food service operations complying with NFPA 1: and NFPA 101:13.7.2.

Theatrical performances and religious ceremonies involving the use of Open Flame Devices and/or a smoke fogging machine shall be pre-approved by the University Fire Marshal. Fire Watch detail may be required depending on the nature and location of approved events. Personnel assigned to Fire Watch detail shall have appropriate training on the use of portable fire extinguishers, be familiar with the venue location and all appropriate fire safety equipment and means of egress, have the capability to make immediate notification to occupants and provide directions when an emergency situation arises and have the ability to immediately notify 911.

The use of barbecue grills, whether gas, wood or charcoal, is prohibited on all University properties with the following exceptions:

  1. Fixed mounted grills that have been permanently installed and approved by the University Fire Marshal.
  2. Cooking operations at the Red Barn patio area that have been pre-approved by the University Fire Marshal and used by authorized personnel.
  3. Use of equipment by authorized personnel for other commercial establishments if prior approval by the University Fire Marshal has been granted.

This policy is not intended to restrict the use of Open Flame Devices in controlled settings such as laboratories and food service areas where the devices are commonly used. Additionally, necessary maintenance work performed by University Physical Plant personnel and/or authorized contractors to the University that require the use of an open flame or spark producing equipment is exempt provided proper precautions are made in accordance with NFPA 51B “Standard for Fire Prevention During Welding, Cutting and Other Hot Work” and the University “Hot Work” policy.

Unless in the case of an emergency, at no time shall fire safety equipment be removed from a building/facility for use at an outdoor event. If equipment is needed, contact Physical Plant and request the necessary items through them.

Policy Violations

To report a violation to this policy please contact the University Fire Marshal at 502-852-3473 or the Department of Public Safety Communications Center at 502-852-6111. Violations of this policy may result in appropriate disciplinary actions per University policies as well as possible criminal prosecution.


Fire Watch Guidelines

Hot Work Policy

NFPA 1:11.2.2; 1:; 101:9.2; and 101:13.7.2

NFPA 160 Standard for the Use of Flame Effects Before an Audience

NFPA 51B Standard for Fire Prevention During Welding, Cutting and Other Hot Work

NFPA 1126 Standard for the Use of Pyrotechnics Before a Proximate Audience


Open Flame Devices are candles, torches, lighters, lanterns, sky lanterns, oil lamps, butane burners, incense, grills, bonfires, all pyrotechnic devices and any other flame or spark producing device.

Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) is an organization, office or individual responsible for enforcing the requirements of a code or standard, or for approving equipment, materials, an installation or a procedure. At the University of Louisville, this would be the responsibility of the University Fire Marshal and the Kentucky State Fire Marshal’s office.

Fire Watch is the assignment of a properly trained person or persons to an area for the express purpose of notifying the fire department, building occupants or both of an emergency; preventing a fire from occurring; extinguishing small fires; or protecting the public from fire or life safety dangers. Refer to the University of Louisville Fire Watch Guidelines for detailed information.

Hot Work is any work being performed involving electric or gas welding, grinding, cutting, brazing, soldering or any other similar flame or spark producing operation. Permits are required for these operations per NFPA, OSHA and University of Louisville policy.


The University Fire Marshal shall inspect locations of venues/events, equipment to be used, review safety plans and make any necessary changes/revisions to enhance the overall safety of the event. The University Fire Marshal may also visit the venue during the event to ensure proper safety precautions are being followed. The University Fire Marshal shall have the right to stop an event at any time when legitimate safety concerns arise or policies are not followed.

Deans, Directors, Department Chairs, or organizers of events shall notify the University Fire Marshal at least five (5) working days prior to the scheduled event to allow adequate time for inspection, review of plans, and alteration or modification to these plans if necessary. All required fire safety equipment shall be the responsibility of the event organizers to obtain and ensure these items are readily accessible to the appropriate trained personnel.


Senior Associate Vice President for Operations


Michael A. Long
University of Louisville Department of Public Safety
Fire Marshal/Fire Safety & Compliance Manager
2126 S. Floyd Street
Louisville, KY  40208


Revision Date(s): February 29, 2016; September 16, 2021

Reviewed Date(s): March 15, 2016; September 16, 2021

The University Policy and Procedure Library is updated regularly. In order to ensure a printed copy of this document is current, please access it online at http://louisville.edu/policies.