Pol-Moped, Scooter, and Motorcycle Use

policy Moped Scooter Motorcycle Use modified Fri Aug 02 2024 12:17:38 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)

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University of Louisville



Moped, Scooter, and Motorcycle Use


August 6, 2019


This policy applies to all individuals (including students, employees, and visitors) operating a moped, scooter, or motorcycle on University of Louisville campuses.


This policy is established to promote personal safety for the University of Louisville (UofL) Community and prevent property damage from the use of small, motorized transportation devices. This policy addresses hazards to the personal safety of both operators and pedestrians as well as damage to UofL and/or personal property from the use of small, motorized transportation devices used on sidewalks, pedestrian corridors, bicycle paths/lanes, and roads on and around the UofL campuses.


The University of Louisville prohibits the operation of a moped, scooter, motorcycle, and other small, motorized transportation devices in UofL buildings or other areas prohibited by UofL signs, state laws, or local ordinances.

Individuals may operate mopeds and scooters on any pedestrian walkways or sidewalks located on its campuses, on public right of ways, or clearly marked bicycle paths/lanes in accordance with this policy, state laws, and local ordinances. Individuals are prohibited from operating motorcycles on any pedestrian walkways or sidewalks. Individuals should adhere to the following rules when operating a moped, scooter, or motorcycle on the permitted areas noted above when on UofL campuses:

  • Should have a valid driver’s license to operate a moped or scooter;
  • Must have a valid driver’s license to operate a motorcycle; 
  • Must park in a designated parking area or on public right of way;
  • Must operate the small, motorized transportation device in a safe manner and not in a manner determined to be reckless, including operating while impaired;
  • Should wear protective headgear/helmet that is properly fitted; and
  • Should not wear earbuds, headphones, or other similar devices while operating a scooter.

UofL requires mopeds, scooters, motorcycles, and other small, motorized transportation devices to be parked in designated parking areas or on public right of ways in accordance with all applicable rules, ordinances, and statutes. Any small, motorized transportation device found improperly parked may be cited, booted, immobilized, or impounded, and may be released and retrieved only upon payment of appropriate fines and fees to the department of Parking and Transportation. 

Examples of improper parking include, but are not limited to, blocking access to a sidewalk, pedestrian corridor, bicycle path/lane, handicap access ramp, stairs, doors, lawn mowing, maintenance activity, or parking on landscaping or inside a building.

UofL accepts no responsibility for damage to property or personal injuries sustained by the operator or to others from the use of a small, motorized transportation device and such damage is the sole responsibility of the operator.

Exceptions to the Policy

Motorized wheelchairs and carts are permitted to be operated by persons with disabilities to provide accessibility and reasonable accommodation. Motorized ATV’s, carts, lawn equipment, and similar devices are permitted to be operated by UofL employees and/or contractors in the performance of their duties. Internal combustion, or electric powered motor vehicles (such as motorized wheelchairs or lawn equipment), must yield the right of way to pedestrians in circumstances where they are authorized to operate on sidewalks, pedestrian corridors, or bicycle paths/lanes.


Individuals in violation of this policy may be subject to disciplinary and/or legal action depending on the nature of the incident and history of previous offenses. Reports of non-compliance shall be reported to UofL Parking and Transportation Services at 852-PARK (7275) or 852-5111.


Small, motorized transportation devices include but are not limited to electric skateboards, boosted boards, electric scooters, mopeds, motor scooters, motorized bicycles, e-bikes, and motorcycles.

Motorcycle, Moped, Low Speed Vehicle, and Alternative Speed Motorcycle are defined in KRS 186.010.


Operators of small-motorized transportation devices on UofL campuses are responsible for complying with state laws, local ordinances, and this policy.

University Parking and Transportation Services is responsible for responding to inquiries regarding use of small-motorized transportation devices on UofL campuses and interpretation of this policy.


Vice President for Finance and Chief Financial Officer


University Parking and Transportation Services
Phone: Belknap Campus (502) 852-PARK
Phone: Health Sciences Center Campus (502) 852-5111
Email: ulpark@louisville.edu


Revision Date(s): November 10, 2022; June 25, 2024

Reviewed Date(s): November 10, 2022

The University Policy and Procedure Library is updated regularly. In order to ensure a printed copy of this document is current, please access it online at http://louisville.edu/policies.