Pol-Hours of Work and Flexible Scheduling Guidelines
policy Hours of Work Flexible Scheduling Guidelines modified Thu Aug 03 2023 08:41:33 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
University of Louisville
Hours of Work and Flexible Scheduling Guidelines
May 1, 1992
This policy applies to University Administrators and Staff.
The university workweek begins on Monday and ends on Friday.
Classified Employees
Persons employed for 37-1/2 hours each week shall perform assigned duties or be on approved leave for a minimum of 37-1/2 hours each week and shall be paid on the basis of 37-1/2 hours. Persons employed for 40 hours each week shall perform assigned duties or be on approved leave for a minimum of 40 hours each week and shall be paid on the basis of 40 hours.
Classified employees shall be paid at a straight-time rate for all hours actually worked up to and including 40 hours in a workweek and shall be paid at a time-and-a-half rate for all hours actually worked in excess of 40 in a workweek. Work in excess of the normally scheduled workweek must receive prior authorization.
Professional/Administrative Employees
Professional/administrative employees are employed to perform a service or services to the university and may be expected to devote whatever reasonable time is necessary to accomplish that service. Department heads will, however, expect professional/administrative employees to observe reasonable working hours that are best suited to the needs of the department and the university.
Under these policies, the Provost/vice presidents/deans are permitted to use their judgment in deciding when an employee's absence should be chargeable to vacation leave, sick leave, or other appropriate leave. This is allowed in recognition of the fact that professional/administrative employees sometimes devote more time to their responsibilities than the typical workweek calls for and do not earn compensatory time or extra pay.
Accurate records must be maintained which will show all significant absences, indicating whether chargeable or non-chargeable. Records must also be maintained which will show vacation leave and sick leave accruals.
Flexible Schedule Guidelines
The responsibility for scheduling and determining working hours of employees rests with each appropriate supervisor, director, or unit head. The authority to schedule and determine working hours includes the discretion to approve flexible schedules where appropriate or necessary to accommodate operating requirements or personal needs of employees.
The following guidelines apply to flexible schedules:
- Flexible work arrangements are contingent on operating requirements and may not be possible across all units or departments of the university but may be considered as an option for any staff employee.
- The availability of flexible scheduling should be equitable across comparable positions within a department.
- Approval of requests for flexible scheduling shall not be unreasonably withheld.
- The employee must be at least .80 FTE and in good standing.
- The employee requests a flexible schedule by submitting a written request to his or her supervisor. If approved, the supervisor and employee will document the “terms” of the flexible schedule, which should include duration of arrangement.
- Flexible schedules for classified staff may not exceed 40 hours per week.
- An employee cannot grieve the denial of a flexible schedule request unless the denial of the request is alleged to be arbitrary or capricious.
Requests for flexible scheduling will be considered when:
- The employee has a demonstrated and documented sustained level of satisfactory performance and the manager believes that the employee can maintain the expected quantity and quality of work while on a flexible schedule.
- The department can maintain quality of service for students, faculty, and other members of the university community, while allowing employees to use a flexible schedule.
- The nature of the job does not require the employee's physical presence or efficiency is compromised when the employee is not present.
Vice President for Human Resources
Human Resources
215 Central Avenue, Suite 205
Phone: 502-852-6258
Email: askhr@louisville.edu
Revision Date(s): January 1, 2012; October 24, 2016; July 11, 2017 (effective November 30, 2017); April 9, 2021 minor revisions; December 10, 2021 (minor edits); August 24, 2022 (minor edit); October 27, 2022; August 2, 2023
Reviewed Date(s): March 8, 2016; July 11, 2017; April 9, 2021
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