Policy Deadly Weapons
policy Deadly Weapons modified Wed Oct 05 2022 10:21:42 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
University of Louisville
Deadly Weapons
August 23, 1996
This policy applies to the University Community (visitors, administrators, faculty, staff, and students).
In Kentucky Revised Statute §237.115, the Kentucky General Assembly explicitly recognizes the authority of the University of Louisville to control the possession of deadly weapons on any property owned, leased or controlled by the University, including the right to prohibit possession of such weapons by any person or entity using University property or premises. This establishes the University's deadly weapons policy.
Deadly weapons are prohibited on any property owned, leased, operated or controlled by the University, including but not limited to the following: classrooms, laboratories, residence halls, clinics, office buildings, performance halls, museums, athletics and recreation facilities, parking lots and structures, University owned vehicles, and all outdoor areas of any campus of the University.
The following are exceptions to this policy:
- Possession of deadly weapons by peace officers acting in the course of official duties;
- Possession of deadly weapons as a part of university ROTC activities;
- Possession of a deadly weapon by a person licensed to carry a concealed deadly weapon pursuant to KRS 237.110, if the firearm or other deadly weapon is contained in a private motor vehicle and is not removed from the vehicle (KRS 527.020(4) and 237.110(17));
- Possession of a deadly weapon if it is located in a non-University motor vehicle and in an enclosed container, compartment, or storage space installed as original equipment in the motor vehicle by its manufacturer, including but not limited to a glove compartment, center console, or seat pocket, regardless of whether said enclosed container, storage space, or compartment is locked, unlocked, or does not have a locking mechanism (KRS 527.020(8));
- Possession of a deadly weapon by persons who are specifically authorized* by KRS 527.020 to carry concealed deadly weapons on or about their persons at all times and at all locations within the Commonwealth. Such persons include but are not limited to: Commonwealth's attorneys, judges of the Court of Justice, conservations officers of the Department of Fish and Wildlife, elected sheriffs, and peace officers from other jurisdictions.
* For a complete listing of persons authorized to carry concealed deadly weapons within the Commonwealth of Kentucky and the conditions for which the carrying of the deadly weapon is authorized, see KRS 527.020.
- Students who possess deadly weapons in violation of this prohibition are subject to disciplinary action under Code of Student Conduct, up to and including expulsion from the University, and all other appropriate legal actions.
- Faculty, administrator and staff employees who possess deadly weapons in violation of this prohibition are subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination under the procedures of the Redbook and/or staff employment and disciplinary policies and all other appropriated legal actions.
- Others who possess deadly weapons in violation of this prohibition shall be directed to remove their weapons or destructive devices or themselves from the University's property or premises and shall be subject to all other appropriate legal actions.
For purposes of this policy, "deadly weapon" means:
- A weapon of mass destruction as defined in KRS 500.080(18);
- Any weapon from which a shot, readily capable of producing death or other serious physical injury, may be discharged;
- Any knife other than an ordinary pocket knife or hunting knife;
- Billy, nightstick, or club;
- Blackjack or slapjack;
- Nunchaku karate sticks;
- Shuriken or death star; and
- Artificial knuckles made from metal, plastic, or other similar hard material.
Executive Vice President and University Provost
University of Louisville Police
Belknap Campus
Louisville, KY 40292
This policy replaces HR policy Deadly Weapons – Destructive Devices PER 1-21.
Revision Date(s): July 2017; January 24, 2019 (minor revisions)
Reviewed Date(s): July 2017; March 8, 2016
The University Policy and Procedure Library is updated regularly. In order to ensure a printed copy of this document is current, please access it online at http://louisville.edu/policies.