Policy Annex for Internal Notification of Potential Severe Weather Events

policy Annex for Internal Notification Potential Severe Weather Events modified Mon Oct 03 2022 10:08:09 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)

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University of Louisville



Annex for Internal Notification of Potential Severe Weather Events


October 24, 2013


This policy applies to the University Community (administrators, faculty, staff, and students) and visitors.


Introduction and Assumptions

Advances in meteorology now provide more accurate prediction of severe weather events affecting a specific geographical area. While there still is the possibility of missing a severe weather event or having a prediction of a severe weather event that does not result in an event, the National Weather Service is more accurate than ever before.

When there is a potential for severe weather, units within the university should be notified and provided early internal notification allowing them to take preventive actions. This does not replace the UofL Alert. The UofL Alert will always be issued when potentially life-threatening weather is imminent for a UofL facility.

Weather Monitoring

The Emergency Manager will serve as the primary individual responsible for monitoring the weather. It will be the Emergency Manager’s responsibility to visit the Louisville office of the National Weather Service web site daily, https://radar.weather.gov/radar.php?rid=lvx.
In addition to the weather, the Emergency Manager will evaluate road conditions via the Kentucky Roadway Weather Information System; http://rwis.kytc.ky.gov/ and the Trimarc cameras and information system; https://twitter.com/TRIMARCTraffic?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor.
Snow removal operations in the city may also be monitored by using the Louisville Public Works site; https://louisvilleky.gov/government/public-works/services/snow-removal. All information gathered will be reported to the EOG group upon request.
National Weather Service Teleconference

Individuals responsible for monitoring the weather are on a list of people who will be notified of any National Weather Service conference calls to discuss potential severe weather events. These individuals are notified by email, voicemail on their office phone and cell phones. The group will coordinate to ensure that one or two people are on the conference call with the National Weather Service Louisville Office.

The information collected via the National Weather Service web sites and/or the National Weather Service Teleconference will be evaluated by the primary individuals responsible for monitoring the weather. They will analyze the situation and determine if an internal notification is warranted. If they determine that an internal notification is warranted. This information includes:

•        Event identification (year and event number, example 2013-3).

•        Type of severe weather expected.

•        Significant hazards identified by the weather service.

•        Expected time of arrival.

•        Any other information determined to be important. 

Emergency Operations Group (EOG)

An Emergency Operations Group (EOG) consist of individuals that need timely notification to implement procedures immediately prior to the arrival of potentially severe weather. This list is used when there is a high probability of severe weather and early notification will allow for preventive actions to be implemented. These individuals include:

  • Provost
  • Chief Operations Officer (COO)
  • VP of Academic Medical Affairs
  • VP of External Affair/Chief of Staff
  • AVP Operations/Chief of Police
  • Sr Assoc VP Communications & Marketing 
  • AVP Facilities Management
  • Emergency Manager

The COO, AVP Operations/Chief of Police, AVP Facilities Management and the Emergency Manager will receive a text or phone call to join on a conference call 502-563-0810, no passcode required. At this time, information gathered by the Emergency Manager will be reported to the group. If deemed necessary, findings from this call will be relayed to the Provost by the COO. The decision to contact the remaining members of the group will be made during this call.
Roadway Observations – University Police

It is the responsibility of the University Police to observe the roadways and advise the ULPD Operations Commander regarding driving conditions. These observations are made on an ongoing basis by the shift commander. The shift commander will notify the ULPD Operations Commander and Emergency Manager of any road conditions that present a safety hazard for normal operations, the Police Chief will be notified. The Police Chief or designee will notify the Chief Operations Officer.
If winter weather is occurring during the overnight hours, the shift commander is responsible for driving the campuses to assess the condition of the roads. The shift commander will notify the ULPD Operations Commander who will advise to contact the Emergency Manager to report on the condition of the roads and whether they present a safety hazard in enough time to decide on the next day’s operations.
Snow Removal on Parking Lots and Walkways – Physical Plant

If the accumulation of snow and/or ice occurs on parking lots and walkways, Physical Plant is responsible for snow removal and/or treatment with de-icing agents. In the event the accumulation of snow/ice exceeds the capability of Physical Plant or their contractors, the Emergency Manager will be notified. The Emergency Manager will notify the Police Chief who will notify the Chief Operations Officer. The information will be relayed that the parking areas may not be available, walkways may pose a safety hazard during the normal business day.
Chief Operations Officer

During the normal business day, the Chief Operations Officer will collect information provided by the Police Chief and Emergency Manager then provide this information to the Provost to assist in any decision to alter operations. During situations occurring during the overnight hours, the Chief Operations Officer will use the information after a discussion with the Emergency Operations Group (EOG) will contact the Provost prior to 4:30 a.m. hours to provide a status report on the situation.
Decision to Alter Normal Operations – Provost

Once the Provost has been provided the weather update, roadway, parking lot and walkway conditions, the Provost may decide to maintain normal operations or alter the normal operations by delaying classes and office hours or closing the university. Once the decision is made, the Provost will notify the Senior Vice President of Communications and Marketing of any alterations to the normal operating schedule.
Dissemination – Communications and Marketing

Communications and Marketing is responsible for disseminating information to the university community regarding any schedule changes due to winter weather. During the normal business day, this would be done as soon as the decision is made to change the schedule for classes, office and/or clinic hours. If winter weather is occurring during the overnight hours, after receiving information from the EOG – Emergency Operations Group, the Senior Associate Vice President of Communications and Marketing will contact the Provost. Upon a decision being made by the Provost to alter the schedule, Communications and Marketing will disseminate that information via the news media, UofL Alert System; Rave Alert, recorded message 502-852-5555 and UofL home page, http://louisville.edu.  


Units with Assigned Responsibilities

University Emergency Manager
Health Science Center Emergency Coordinator
Project Manager, Vice President for Business Affairs
Dispatch Supervisor, Department of Public Safety
Recipients of Internal Notifications


Senior Associate Vice President for Operations


University of Louisville Police
Floyd Street Parking Garage
Louisville, KY 40292


Version 1.1 effective October 24, 2013
Revised Date(s): September 15, 2021
Reviewed Date(s): September 15, 2021

The University Policy and Procedure Library is updated regularly. In order to ensure a printed copy of this document is current, please access it online at http://louisville.edu/policies.