Chapter Bylaws
Bylaw I: Name
The name of this organization shall be the Louisville Chapter of the Society for Neuroscience (hereinafter referred to as "the Chapter").
Bylaw II: Purpose
The purpose of the Chapter shall be (a) to advance and facilitate the understanding of the nervous system and its role in determining behavior by bringing together scientists from various disciplines and backgrounds within the metropolitan Louisville area; (b) to promote education and training in the neurosciences and (c) to inform the general public on the results and implications of research in neuroscience.
Bylaw III: Membership
Section 1: Full membership in this Chapter is open to any individual with an advanced degree who is interested in the nervous system. Student membership in the Chapter is open to any student studying for an undergraduate or graduate degree. The membership of the Chapter shall consist of those members who annually pay the Chapter dues as provided under Bylaw VIII. Gratis Emeritus membership may be granted by the Executive Committee to any retired individual who has been an active member of the Chapter preceding retirement. Annual membership will be from September 1 to August 31.
Section 2: Only regular members of the Society for Neuroscience are eligible to hold office in the Chapter and to represent the Chapter in the affairs of the Society.
Bylaw IV: Organization
Officers of the Chapter shall consist of a President, the Past-President, a President-elect, a Secretary, and a Treasurer elected according to Bylaw V. A Chapter Council may be formed by the Chapter membership upon the request of a simple majority of full members.
Bylaw V: Elections and Terms of Office
Section 1: Election of Officers Only regular members of the Society for Neuroscience may be nominated to serve as officers. A nomination may come from any Chapter member with the consent of the nominee. Officers shall be elected by a simple plurality of votes of the Chapter membership. If there is more than one candidate for an office, the vote shall be taken by secret ballot. The election shall normally take place at the annual business meeting. The Chapter Secretary shall certify the results to the Executive Secretary of the Society for Neuroscience within sixty (60) days of the business meeting.
Section 2: Terms of Office The President shall serve for a term of one (1) year, and shall be succeeded by the President-elect. The President and the immediate Past-President may not be candidates for the office of President-elect. The Secretary and the Treasurer shall serve for a term of two (2) years, and each is eligible to serve one additional consecutive terms. The terms of office shall be from September 1 to August 31, corresponding to the Membership and Fiscal Year.
Bylaw VI: Meetings and Quorum
Section 1: Business Meetings The Chapter shall hold at least one business meeting in the spring of each year at a place and time designated by the Chapter officers. Other special business meetings may be called at any time by the President, or in case of his absence or disability, by the President-elect or at the request of at least ten (10) full members. A notice specifying the time, place and purpose of meetings shall be sent to each member at least ten (10) days previous thereto.
Section 2: Quorum A quorum shall consist of not less than ten (10) members or 25% of the membership, whichever is larger, at all business meetings of the Chapter, but in the absence of a quorum any number of attendees shall be sufficient to move adjournment to a fixed date.
Section 3: Non-business Meetings - Events such as seminars, scientific presentations, poster sessions or discussions may be sponsored by the Chapter at any time with the approval of the President. It is the duty of the Secretary to notify all members of the Chapter and the public at-large in advance of these events.
Bylaw VII: Committees
An Executive Committee, consisting of the President, Past-president, President-elect, Secretary and Treasurer, will be the body responsible for the operation of the Chapter. A five-member Advisory Committee may be appointed by the Executive Committee on an annual basis. Other ad-hoc committees, such as membership and nomination committees, may be established as necessary by the Executive Committee for the efficient operation of the Chapter.
Bylaw VIII: Finances
The Fiscal Year of the Chapter shall be from September 1 to August 31. The Treasurer shall act as custodian of the financial account of the Chapter and shall give a report of the Chapter finances to the membership at the annual business meeting. The Chapter may assess such Chapter dues as agreed to by the Chapter membership, using the same procedure as for an amendment, and in accordance with the Bylaws of the Society for Neuroscience.
Bylaw IX: Amendments to Bylaws
Proposed amendments to these Bylaws must first be submitted in writing to the officers of the Chapter, and the Secretary shall furnish all members of the Chapter with copies of the proposed amendments at least two (2) weeks before the business meetings or mail ballot at which the amendment is to be considered. Amendments will be adopted if they receive an affirmative vote by two-thirds of the members voting.
Bylaw X: Dissolution of the Chapter
This Chapter shall be dissolved after a maximum period of one (1) year immediately following such time as it has fewer than ten (10) members of the Society for Neuroscience as members of the Chapter. Upon dissolution of the Chapter, any remaining assets of the Chapter shall be conveyed to a registered charitable organization. Adopted by vote of the Chapter on March 18, 1999. (revision of original bylaws adopted by vote of the Chapter on May 8, 1992)