School of Dentistry

The School of Dentistry department chairs formally meet a minimum of two times per year in late summer/early fall and again in December with their faculty on a one-to-one basis to discuss and plan faculty development, promotion and tenure guidelines and process, and also to discuss and plan the progress of assigned responsibilities.

The School of Dentistry also holds an annual two-day faculty and staff retreat in which presentations are directed towards providing new and current faculty with resources to enhance teaching, clinical care, or research. The retreat also allows new faculty to meet with faculty in their department and other departments.

A continuing education program has been developed and is being enhanced to provide CE courses twice/month, usually during the noon hour, to mentor faculty in teaching and wellbeing.

The School of Dentistry has a Campus Climate committee to mentor new and current faculty with information regarding the School and to support new faculty as they begin their work at the School.

The total number of faculty being mentored varies. Tracking of faculty mentoring is accomplished by reviewing the annual work plans and outcomes to assess progress towards promotion and tenure and by enrollment numbers at the above continuing education activities
The success of the program is evaluated by reviewing the faculty work plans and yearly outcomes. The faculty work plans are detailed reports that provide insight into the day to day activities of the faculty.

Surveys of participants at continuing education courses and the faculty retreat provide feedback and information on success of those mentoring activities.


Associate Dean for Graduate Education and Faculty Affairs, Dentistry

Brian Shumway
Associate Dean for Graduate Education and Faculty Affairs

