Center Announces New Ambassadors for 2013-14

The LGBT Center is proud to announce members of the 2013-2014 Intersection Ambassador Program. This group of eight students will spend the next academic year learning and developing leadership skills, while working in the Center to create a safe and welcoming space to those who need it most.

Ambassadors will assist the LGBT Center in fulfilling its mission, to strengthen and sustain an inclusive campus community at the University of Louisville, one that welcomes people of all sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender expressions through support, educational resources and advocacy. Working as a member of a strong team, ambassadors will develop and design outreach projects, advise the center on important issues and concerns, and connect the office to other programs and efforts on campus related to social justice and equity.

"The ambassador program is simply inspirational; the people in it are incredible, and everyone brings a different strength to the team. Each person is a jigsaw piece in a puzzle, and when we all work together... I am ecstatic to see the difference it will make in creating a home away from home for students,” said Sam Speaks, graphic design senior.

The new ambassadors recently met for an overnight retreat to practice new skills and talk about leadership.  While there, they learned from community leaders and discussed the importance of supporting students who visit the Intersection. New ambassador Ben Vivona found the retreat a helpful start to the school year. “The retreat was very well organized and extremely engaging. With the things I have learned, I feel better equipped to ensure that the Intersection remains a safe environment.”

The program is made possible thanks in part to the generous support from the Feast on Equality.

The LGBT Center Ambassadors for the 2013-2014 year are:

Tania Avalos

Arthur Clemens

Alex Cooper

Corey Ferger

Emalee Huber

Chris Knaster

Sam Speaks

Ben Vivona

LGBT Center - Belknap

Cultural & Equity Success Center

120 E. Brandeis Ave.

University of Louisville

Louisville, Kentucky 40292

Phone:(502) 852-0696

Office Hours

The Cultural & Equity Success Center on Belknap Campus is open 
M-F 9am-5pm

HSC LGBT Center is open
M-F 9am-5pm

Social Media

LGBT Center - HSC

500 S. Preston St.

A Building, Room 209C/D

Louisville, Kentucky 40292

Phone:(502) 852-5861