Final Exams - Make Ups and Accommodations

Make sure you sign up for your make up/accommodated exams!

Make Up Exams - Exam Conflicts

You can find the policy on Make Up Exams here.  If you have two exams close enough, you make request a make-up exam on the same page. Make ups are scheduled at the next available make up time which doesn't create another conflict.  There are no exceptions to the conflicted exam make-up policy.

Make Up Exams - Personal Conflicts (health/family)

If one of your exams conflicts with a personal issue, or something comes up during exams where you need to reschedule an exam, please contact Dean DiSanza directly.  These will be approved on a case-by-case basis.  For any personal illnesses, you must bring in documentation you saw a professional medical provider before you are approved to reschedule the exam.

Accommodated Exams

If you've been pre-approved for disability accommodations for this semester, please make sure you complete the accommodated exam request form sent you to you by Dean DiSanza when you received approval.  Only accommodations pre-approved by the DRC will receive accommodations.