Alianzas (mentoring program

Mentoring Program


The mentoring program has been designed to enhance the Hispanic/Latino students’ educational experience, morale, career planning, and professional competence.

Mentoring is one-on-one: As a student, each mentee will build a relationship with his or her faculty and/or peer mentor gaining support and encouragement. The mentors provide advice, guidance, and counseling in academic, professional, career, and school involvement areas.

Come and team up with a Hispanic/Latino faculty member in your field. Receive advise about your academic career.  Socialize with fellow Hispanic/Latino students.

JOIN US on our first meeting:

W210 Ekstrom Library
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
12:30 p.m. - 1:30 p.m
Pizza will be served.

Please contact the following Hispanic Latino Faculty and Staff Association professors to sign-up into the program and/or to receive more information: