The staff has developed a comprehensive academic success planning program to aid students in their academic progress. In addition to working towards successful matriculation, students are also guided through a 4-year career readiness plan. These regular meetings with staff include but are not limited to: expansion and development of resumes, preparation for the LSAT/GRE/GMAT exams, applying for post-graduate programs, individual academic advising, and general support in other areas of their lives that impact their academic progress. The process for post-graduation planning follows the annual guidelines below:
Advance Degree Track
Year One -Goal Setting
Year Two -Resume building through study abroad, internships and fellowships
Year Three -Exam preparation, graduate program(s) selection
Year Four -Application Submissions
Career Track
Year One - Goal Setting
Year Two -Resume building through co-ops and internships
Year Three -Job Search
Year Four -Application Submissions
The staff works to help students find academic electives that align with their post-graduation goals in order to ensure that the students have the necessary experiences and qualifications in their academic portfolio at the time of graduation.