Arts and Sciences Research Office

Promoting Research - Proposal Development - Reviewing Proposals - Gardiner Hall, Suite 320

Grant Crafting - Evaluation

When Mar 19, 2014
from 11:30 AM to 01:00 PM
Where Room 139 Shumaker Research Building
Contact Name
Contact Phone 502-852-5588
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The Grant Crafting Brown Bag Series is brought to you by the Arts & Sciences Research Office in collaboration with the Research Office of the College of Education and Human Development.  This session, presented by Dr. Thomas Tretter, Director of the Gheens Science Hall & Rauch Planetarium and Assoc Professor in the College of Education and Human Development, will focus on creating effective evaluation plans for your proposal, and potential evaluation strategies.  The presentation will last approximately 45 minutes, with time afterwards for questions and discussion.  Please feel free to bring your lunch.  RSVP to Teresa Wilkins,  or 852-5588.