Dr. Aaron Comstock

During the 2023 field season, Dr. Comstock taught an RPA certified field school with his previous institute (Indiana University East) and collaborators from Ohio State University. Students were taught excavation, documentation, and public engagement techniques at the Turpin archaeological site, a Fort Ancient culture village occupied approximately 1,000 years ago. Nine students spent 4 weeks in the field in southwest Ohio excavating precontact features, conducting shovel test surveys, and developing professional networks and friendships that will persist for years to come. Dr. Comstock looks forward to extending these opportunities to UofL students in coming summers!

Dr. Comstock taking a break from surveying river banks on the Little Miami River.

Dr. Comstock photographing a feature profile. 

Students excavating portions of a refuse pit and associated midden deposits. 

Students participating in a flintknapping workshop during a lunch break.