Statistical Consulting Service

Statistical consulting at the Department of Bioinformatics and Biostatistics occurs through the Statistical Consulting Service (SCS). The faculty and staff of the Department provide expertise in statistical data analysis in support of research at the Health Sciences Center and the University of Louisville as well as for other health care organizations, research centers, businesses, and non-profit entities outside the University. Since its formation, consultants of the SCS have offered service to hundreds of investigators within and outside the university, helping with minor questions like selection of statistical methodology to major grant submission assistance.

The consulting services we provide include experimental design, power and sample size calculation, data management, statistical data analysis and modeling, and technical report writing. SCS consultants are available for both short-term consulting projects and long-term collaborative research. In particular, SCS consultants are available to serve as investigators and key personnel on grant proposals and can provide assistance with protocol development. Our consultants have expertise in a variety of methods for biostatistical applications, including bioinformatics, and have extensive experience in the SAS and open-source R software packages. SPSS is also supported.

Follow the links to learn more about the services we provide, find out how to make an appointment, meet the members of the SCS, find our contact information, and explore data sets from past SCS projects.

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