Green Dot

The Green Logo


Green Dot is a comprehensive violence prevention strategy with a focus on preventing Power Based Personal Violence; sexual violence, dating violence and stalking. The strategy incorporates a public health approach to violence prevention, by working across the socio-ecological model.

Green Dot strives to change the norms on our campus to reflect a thriving community that does not tolerate violence through engaging the greater community in the fundamental idea that we all have a role to play in creating safe communities.

UofL Green Dot is a team effort where we enact our Cardinal Principle of Care to create a safe campus and wider community. We know that preventing violence on our campus must be a campus wide effort! No one has to do everything, but everyone has to do something.

Social Media

A great way to stay up to date with what the Green Dot community is doing in our Cardinal community is by following us on Tik Tok and Instagram @UofLGreenDot"

Green Dot Updates

Green Dot is Global

Green Dot is an international program that started right here in Kentucky!

To find out more about what Green Dot looks like across the globe and across age groups visit:


Stevenson 519
101 E. Centennial Walk
University of Louisville
Louisville, Kentucky 40208

Social Media @UofLGreenDot

Green Dot programs, services and resources are open to all eligible students, faculty (when applicable), and staff (when applicable), regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age.