Curriculum Vitae

Bruce M. Horner


Department of English

315 Bingham Humanities Bldg

University of Louisville

Louisville, KY 40292




Year Degree University
1988 Ph.D. in English University of Pittsburgh
1980 M.A. in English University of Pittsburgh
1979 B.A. in English University of Pittsburgh


Positions Held

Year Position Organization



 Professor Emeritus

Endowed Chair in Rhetoric and Composition

University of Louisville



Professor of English

Director of Composition and Associate Dept. Chair

University of Louisville

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

2001-06 Professor, Dept. of English University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
2000-01 Director Drake University Writing Workshop
1998-2001 Associate Chair, Department of English Drake University
1994-2001 Associate Professor, Department of English Drake University
1988-94 Assistant Professor, Department of English Drake University
1991 Director Drake University Writing Workshop
1987-88 Part-time Instructor, Department of English University of Pittsburgh
1985-87 Andrew W. Mellon Pre-doctoral Fellow, Department of English University of Pittsburgh
1979-85 Teaching Fellow, Department of English University of Pittsburgh


2018    Modern Language Association 2016-17 Mina P. Shaughnessy Biennial Book Prize for an Outstanding Work on Language, Culture, Literature, or Literacy with Strong Application to the Teaching English (for Crossing Divides: Exploring Translingual Writing Pedagogies and Programs, co-edited with Elliot Tetreault)

2013    University of Louisville Outstanding Mentor of Doctoral Graduate Students Award Nominee 

2012   Conference on College Composition and Communication Outstanding Book Award (for Cross-Language Relations in Composition)

2002    Richard Braddock Award for Most Outstanding Article Published in College Composition and Communication (for "English Only and U.S. College Composition")

2001    W. Ross Winterowd Award for the Most Outstanding Book Published Each Year on Composition Theory (for Terms of Work)

Authored and Co-authored Books

Rewriting Composition: Terms of Exchange. Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 2016.

Translinguality, Transmodality, and Difference: Exploring Dispositions and Change in Language and Learning [Digital monograph].  Co-authored with Cynthia L. Selfe and Tim Lockridge.  Enculturation/Intermezzo, 2015. PDF Web.

Writing ConventionsCo-authored with Min-Zhan Lu. New York: Pearson Longman/Penguin Academics, 2008.

Terms of Work for Composition: A Materialist Critique. Albany, State U of New York P, 2000.

Representing the "Other": Basic Writers and the Teaching of Basic Writing. Co-authored with Min-Zhan Lu. Urbana, IL: National Council of Teacher of English, 1999.

Edited Collections and Guest-edited Journal Issues

Toward a Transnational University: WAC/WID Across Borders of Language, Nation, and Discipline.  Co-edited with Jonathan Hall.  WAC Clearinghouse, 2023

Teaching and Studying Transnational Composition.  Co-edited with Christiane Donahue.  New York: Modern Language Association, 2023.

Mobility Work in Composition.  Co-edited with Megan Favers Hartline, Ashanka Kumari, and Laura Sceniak Matravers.  Logan: Utah State UP, 2021.

“Rewriting Disciplines, Rewriting Boundaries: Transdisciplinary, Translingual, and Transnational Challenges for WAC/WID.”  Co-edited with Jonathan Hall.  Across the Disciplines 15.3 (2018).

Crossing Divides: Exploring Translingual Writing Pedagogies and Programs. Co-edited with Elliot Tetreault.  Logan: Utah State UP, 2017.

Economies of Writing: Revaluations in Rhetoric and Composition. Co-edited with Brice Nordquist and Susan Ryan.  Logan: Utah State UP, 2017.

“Translingual Work in Composition.” Co-edited with Anis Bawarshi, Juan Guerra, and Min-Zhan Lu.  College English 78.3 (2016).

Reworking English in Rhetoric and Composition: Global Interrogations, Local Interventions.  Co-edited with Karen Kopelson.  Southern Illinois UP, 2014.

“Responsivity in Rhetoric and Composition.”  Co-edited with Mary P. Sheridan, Drew Holladay, and Megan Bardolph. JAC 34.1-2 (2014).

“The Economies of Writing.”  With assistance of Nancy Bou Ayash, Carrie Byars Kilfoil, and Brice Nordquist.  Special issue, JAC 32.3-4 (2012).

"The Rhetorics of English in Education."  Special Issue, Changing English 18.3 (2011).  Co-edited with Viv Ellis.

Cross-Language Relations in Composition. Co-edited with Min-Zhan Lu and Paul Kei Matsuda. Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 2010.

"Working English in Rhetoric and Composition: Global-local Contexts, Commitments, Consequences." JAC Special issue cluster. With assistance of Min-Zhan Lu, Samantha NeCamp, Brice Nordquist, and Vanessa Kraemer Sohan. 2009.

"Cross-Language Relations in Composition." College English Special issue. Co-edited with Min-Zhan Lu and Paul Kei Matsuda. July 2006.

Key Terms in Popular Music and CultureCo-edited with Thomas Swiss. Oxford: Blackwell, 1999.  Chinese translation 流行音乐与文化关键词, trans. Lu Zheng Lan (陆正兰 ), Liu Xiao Bo (刘小波 ), et al.  Beijing: Sichuan UP, 2016.

Journal Essays

“Defining Translinguality.” Co-authored with Sara P. Alvarez.   Literacy in Composition Studies 7.2 (2019): 1-30.

Afterword.  Special Issue on “What Does Working with Literacy Look Like in College Literacy Contexts?” Journal of College Literacy and Learning 45 (2019): 129-31.

“语言工作与写作教学 [Language Work and the Teaching and Learning of Writing].” Trans. Liao Qiaoyun and Jia Daichun.  当代修辞学 [Contemporary Rhetoric] 5 (2018).  

“Translinguality and Disciplinary Reinvention.”  Across the Disciplines 15.3 (2018): 76-88.

Afterword.  Special Issue on Transnationalism, Journal of Global Literacies, Technologies, and Emerging Pedagogies 4.3 (2018): 766-71.

“Writing Language: Composition, the Academy, and Work.”  Humanities 6.11 (2017). <>. doi:10.3390/h6020011

“Mobility and Academic Literacies: An Epistolary Conversation.”  Co-authored with Jan Blommaert.   London Review of Education 15.1 (2017): 2-20.;jsessionid=1y7dbvte1jh0t.x-ic-live-03

“写作与修辞研究的跨语言方法 [A Translingual Approach to Writing and the Study of Rhetoric].”  Co-authored with Min-Zhan Lu.  Trans. Jianfeng Wang.  当代修辞学 [Contemporary Rhetoric] 5 (2016): 10-21.

“Translation as (Global) Writing.”  Co-authored with Elliot Tetreault.  Composition Studies 44.1 (2016): 13-30.

“Linguistic Theory in Approaches to Written Error in US Composition: History and Current Directions.”  Co-authored with Min-Zhan Lu.   Linx 72.1 (2016): 39-54. Special issue, « Former à l’écrit universitaire: Un terrain pour la linguistique?», dir. Sylvie Garnier, Fanny Rinck, Frédérique Sitri, et Sarah de Vogüé.

“Translingual Work.”  Co-authored with Min-Zhan Lu.  College English 78.3 (2016): 207-18.

“Rewriting Composition: Moving Beyond a Discourse of Need.” College English 77.5 (2015): 450-79.

“Grounding Responsivity.”  JAC 34.1-2 (2014): 711-23.

“Ideologies of Literacy, ‘Academic Literacies,’ and Composition Studies.”   Literacy in Composition Studies 1.1 (2013): 1-9.

“Translingual Literacy, Language Difference, and Matters of Agency.”  Co-authored with Min-Zhan Lu.   College English 75 (2013): 586-611

“Economies of Writing.” JAC 32.3-4 (2012): 453-60.

“Relocating Basic Writing.” Journal of Basic Writing 30.2 (Fall 2011[2012]): 5-23.

"Toward a Multilingual Composition Scholarship: From English Only to a Translingual Norm."  Co-authored with Christiane Donahue and Samantha NeCamp. College Composition and Communication 63 (2011): 269-300.

"The Rhetorics of English in Education."  Co-authored with Viv Ellis.  Changing English 18.3 (2011): 245-49.

"Language Difference in Writing: Toward a Translingual Approach." With Min-Zhan Lu, Jacqueline Jones Royster, and John Trimbur. College English 73.3 (2011): 299-317.

"Working Rhetoric and Composition." With Min-Zhan Lu. College English 72.5 (2010): 470-97.

"Introduction: Working English in Rhetoric and Composition: Global-local Contexts, Commitments, Consequences." JAC 29.1-2 (2009): 13-15.

"Composing in Global-local Context: Careers, Mobility, Skill." With Min-Zhan Lu. College English 72.2 (2009): 109-29.

"James Slevin and the Identifying Practices of Composition." ADE Bulletin no. 143 (Fall 2007): 14-17.

"Redefining Work and Value for Writing Program Administration." JAC 27 (2007): 163-84.

"Cross-Language Relations in Composition." College English 68 (2006): 569-74.

"Class, Class Consciousness, and 'Good Teaching Jobs.'" JAC 26 (2006): 139-55.

"Critical Ethnography, Ethics, and Work: Rearticulating Labor." JAC 22 (2002): 561-84.

"English Only and U.S. College Composition." Co-authored with John Trimbur. College Composition and Communication 53 (2002): 594-630.

"'Students' Right,' English Only,  and Re-imagining the Politics of Language." College English 63 (2001): 741-58.

"Politics, Pedagogy, and the Profession of Composition: Confronting Commodification and the Contingencies of Power." JAC 20 (2000): 121-52.

"Traditions and Professionalization: Reconceiving Work in Composition." College Composition and Communication
51 (2000): 366-98.

"Expectations, Interpretations, and the Contributions of Basic Writing." Co-authored with Min-Zhan Lu. Journal of Basic Writing 19.1 (Spring 2000): 23-32.

"On the Study of Music as Material Social Practice." Journal of Musicology 16 (1998): 159-99.

"The Problematic of Experience: Redefining Critical Work in Ethnography and Pedagogy." Co-authored with Min-Zhan Lu. College English 60 (1998): 257-77.

"Students, Authorship, and the Work of Composition." College English 59 (1997): 505-29.

"Discoursing Basic Writing." College Composition and Communication 47 (1996):199-222.

"Writing Down the Songs: Teaching Conflicts in Music and English." Writing on the Edge 6.2 (Spring 1995): 33-46.

"Negotiating Traditions of English Song: Performance, Text, History." Mosaic 27.3 (1994): 19-44.

"Resisting Traditions in Composing Composition." Journal of Advanced Composition 14 (1994): 495-519.

"Mapping Errors and Expectations for Basic Writing: From the 'Frontier Field' to 'Border Country.'" English Education 26 (1994): 29-51.

"Rethinking the 'Sociality' of Error: Teaching Editing as Negotiation." Rhetoric Review 11 (1992): 172-99.

Book Chapters

“Who Do We Ask to Teach Basic Writing?”  Basic Writing in the 21st Century: Legacies, Learners, Landscapes and Future Possibilities. Ed. Barbara Gleason and Laura Gray-Rosendale.  Peter Lang, forthcoming.

“Translanguaging, Translinguality, and Labor.”  Translingualism: Playfulness and Precariousness.  Ed. Sender Dovchin, Rhonda Oliver, and Li Wei. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2024.  182-96.

“The Intellectual Work of Composition: James Slevin’s Introducing English.”  Lost Texts in Rhetoric and Composition.  Ed. Deborah H. Holdstein.  New York: Modern Language Association, 2023.  330-40.

“Transforming Graduate Education in Rhetoric and Composition: Toward a Transnational and Translingual Revaluation.”  Translingual and Transnational Graduate Education.  Ed. Nancy Bou Ayash and Carrie Byars Kilfoil.  Logan: Utah State UP/UP of Colorado, 2023.  83-100.

Introduction: The Transnational Translingual University: Teaching Academic Writing Across Borders and Between Languages.  Toward a Transnational University: WAC/WID Across Borders of Language, Nation, and Discipline.  Ed. Jonathan Hall and Bruce Horner.  WAC Clearinghouse, 2023.  3-10.

Introduction.  Teaching and Studying Transnational Composition. Co-authored  with Christiane Donahue.  Teaching and Studying Transnational Composition.   Ed.  Christiane Donahue and Bruce  Horner.  New York: Modern Language  Association, 2023.  1-14.

“Student Writing.”  Inventing the Discipline: Student Work in Composition Studies.  Ed. Peter Moe and Stacey Waite.  Parlor Press, 2022.  <>

Afterword.  “Rewriting Racing Translingualism: Difference, Labor, Opacity.”  Racing Translingualism in Composition: Toward a Race Conscious Translingualism.  Ed. Tom Do and Karen Rowan.  Logan: Utah State UP/UP of Colorado, 2022.  245-53.

Afterword.  Civic Engagement in Global Contexts: International Education, Community Partnerships, and Higher Education.  Ed. Jim Bowman and Jennifer DeWinter.  Logan: Utah State UP, 2021.  251-60.

Introduction: Mobility Work in Composition.  Co-authored with Megan Faver Hartline, Ashanka Kumari, and Laura Sceniak Matravers.  Mobility Work in Composition.  Ed. Bruce Horner, Megan Faver Hartline, Ashanka Kumari, and Laura Sceniak Matravers. Logan: Utah State UP, 2021.  3-13.

“Language Difference, Translinguality, and L2 Writing: Conflations, Confusions, and the Work of Writing.”  Reconciling Translingualism and Second Language Writing Ed. Anthony Silva and Zhaozhe Wang.  New York: Routledge, 2020.  55-66.

“Afterword: Postmonolingual Projections: Translating Translinguality.”  Translingual Dispositions: Globalized Approaches to the Teaching of Writing.  Ed. Alanna Frost, Julia Kiernan, and Suzanne Blum-Malley.  Fort Collins/Louisville CO: WAC Clearinghouse/University Press of Colorado, 2020.  295-303.

"Modality as Social Practice in Written Language.” Lead chapter.  Writing Changes: Alphabetic Text and Multimodal Composition.  Ed. Pegeen Reichert Powell.  New York: Modern Language Association, 2020.  21-40.

“Rewriting the Language(s) of Language Differences in Writing.”  Co-authored with Min-Zhan Lu.  Talking Back: Senior Scholars and Their Colleagues Deliberate the Past, Present, and Future of Writing Studies.  Ed. Norbert Elliot and Alice S. Horning.  Logan: Utah State UP/UP of Colorado, 2020. 225-33.

Foreword. Reinventing (with) Theory in Rhetoric and Writing Studies: Essays in Honor of Sharon Crowley.  Ed. Andrea Alden, Kendall J. Gerdes, Judy Holiday, and Ryan Skinnell.  Boulder: Utah State UP/UP of Colorado, 2019.  xi-xv.

 “Rewriting the Difference of Multimodality: Composing Modality and Language as Practice.”  Bridging the Gap: Multimodality in Theory and Practice.  Ed. Santosh Khadka and Jennifer C. Lee.  Logan: Utah State UP, 2019.  263-83.

“Written Academic English as a Lingua Franca.”  Routledge Handbook of English as a Lingua Franca.  Ed. Jennifer Jenkins, Will Baker, and Martin Dewey. New York: Routledge, 2018.  413-26.

 “Rewriting Creative Writing.”  Changing Creative Writing in America: Strengths, Weaknesses, Possibilities.  Ed. Graeme Harper.  New Writing Viewpoints Series.  Bristol: Multilingual Matters, 2017.  112-31.

“Teaching Translingual Agency in Iteration: Rewriting Difference.”  Crossing Divides: Exploring Translingual Writing Pedagogies and Programs.  Ed. Bruce Horner and Elliot Tetrault.  Logan: Utah State UP, 2017.  87-97.

“Reflecting the Translingual Norm: Action-reflection, ELF, Translation, and Transfer.”  A Rhetoric of Reflection.  Ed. Kathleen Blake Yancey.  Logan: Utah State UP, 2016.  105-24.

“Looking at Academic Literacies from a Composition Frame: From Spatial to Spatio-temporal Framing of Difference.”  With Theresa Lillis. Working With Academic Literacies: Case Studies Towards Transformative Practice. Ed. Theresa Lillis, Kathy Harrington, Mary Lea, and Sally Mitchell. WAC Clearinghouse/Parlor Press, 2015.  327-37.

Afterword.  Transnational Writing Program Administration.  Ed. David S. Martins.  Logan: Utah State UP, 2015.  332-41.

“Beyond ‘English-only’ in U.S. Writing Instruction: Fostering Translingual Dispositions in Writing Teacher Education.” Co-authored with Carrie Kilfoil.  Integrating Content and Language in Higher Education: From Theory to Practice.  Selected Papers from the 2013 Integrating Content and Language in Higher Education Conference.   Ed. Robert Wilkinson and Mary Louise Walsh. Frankfurt-am-Main: Lang, 2015.  149-59.

“Introduction: Reworking English in Rhetoric and Composition—Global Interrogations, Local Interventions.”  Reworking English in Rhetoric and Composition—Global Interrogations, Local Interventions. Ed. Bruce Horner and Karen Kopelson.  Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 2014.  1-10.

“Writing In the Disciplines/Writing Across the Curriculum.”  The Routledge Companion to English Studies.  Ed. Constant Leung and Brian V. Street.  London: Routledge, 2014.  405-18.

“Toward a Labor Economy of Academic Literacy: Exploring Academic Frictions.”  Co-authored with Min-Zhan Lu.  Literacy, Economy and Power: Writing and Research After Literacy in American Lives.  Ed. John Duffy, Julie Nelson Christoph, Eli Goldblatt, Nelson Graff, Rebecca Nowacek, and Bryan Trabold.  Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 2014.  111-26.

“Translingual Literacy and Matters of Agency.”  Co-authored with Min-Zhan Lu.  Literacy as Translingual Practice: Between Communities and Classrooms.  Ed. Suresh Canagarajah.  New York: Routledge, 2013.  26-38.

“(Re)Writing English: Putting English in Translation.”  Co-authored with Min-Zhan Lu.  English—A Changing Medium for Education.  Ed. Constant Leung and Brian Street.  Bristol: Multilingual Matters, 2012.  59-78.

"The WPA as Broker: Globalization and the Composition Program."  Teaching Writing in Globalization: Remapping Disciplinary Work.  Ed. Daphne Desser and Darin Payne.  Boulder, CO: Lexington Books, 2012.  57-78.

"Writing English as a Lingua Franca." Latest Trends in ELF Research. Ed. Alasdair Archibald, Alessia Cogo, and Jennifer Jenkins. Cambridge Scholars Press, 2011.  299-311.

"The Logic of Listening to Global Englishes." Co-authored with Min-Zhan Lu. Code Meshing as World English: Policy, Pedagogy, Performance. Ed. Aja Y. Martinez and Vershawn Ashanti Young. Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English, 2011. 99-114.

"Re-Valuing Student Writing." Teaching with Student Texts: Essays toward an Informed Practice. Ed.  Joseph Harris, John Miles, and Charles Paine. Logan: Utah State UP, 2010.  9-23.

"From English-Only to Cross-Language Relations in Composition." Cross-Language Relations in Composition. Ed. Bruce Horner, Min-Zhan Lu, and Paul Kei Matsuda. Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 2010. 1-17.

"Toward Multilingual University Discourse(s): Negotiating Global Englishes." Actes du colloque international les discours universitaires: formes, pratiques, mutations,  2: Acteurs et contextes des discours universitaires. Ed. Jean-Marc Defays, Annick Englebert, Marie-Christine  Pollet, Francine Thyrion, and Laurence Rosier. Paris: L'harmattan, 2009. 301-10.

"Rhetoric and(?) Composition." Co-authored with Min-Zhan Lu. The Sage Handbook of Rhetorical Studies. Ed. Andrea A. Lunsford, Kirt H. Wilson,  and Rosa E. Eberly. Los Angeles: Sage, 2009. 293-315.

Foreword. Co-authored with Min-Zhan Lu. Representations: Doing Asian American Rhetoric. Ed. LuMing Mao and Morris Young. Utah State UP, 2008. vii-xiii.

"Plagiarism,  Difference, and Power." Afterword. Pluralizing Plagiarism: Identities, Contexts, Pedagogies. Ed. Rebecca Moore Howard and Amy E. Robillard. Portsmouth,  NH: Heinemann Boynton/Cook, 2008. 171-77.

"Resisting Monolingualism in 'English': Reading and Writing the Politics of Language." Co-authored with Min-Zhan Lu. Rethinking English in Schools: A New and Constructive Stage.Ed. Viv Ellis, Carol Fox, and Brian Street. London: Continuum, 2007. 141-57.

"Mixing it Up: The Personal in Public Discourse." The Private, the Public and the Published. Ed. Thomas Kent and Barbara Couture. Logan: Utah State UP, 2004. 185-97.

"Excavating the Ruins of Undergraduate English." Co-authored with Kelly Latchaw, Joseph Lenz, Jody Swilky, and David Wolf. Beyond English Inc.: Curricular Reform in a Global Economy. Ed. David B. Downing, Claude Mark Hurlbert, and Paula Mathieu. Portsmouth, NH: Boynton/Cook, 2002. 75-92.

"Resisting Academics." Insurrection: Approaches to Resistance in Composition Studies. Ed. Andrea Greenbaum. State U of New York P, 2001. 169-84.

"Discourse." Key Terms in Popular Music and Culture. Ed. Thomas Swiss and Bruce Horner. Oxford: Blackwell, 1999. 18-34.


“Language Difference in Writing: Toward a Translingual Approach” (with Min-Zhan Lu, Jacqueline Jones Royster, and John Trimbur, College English 2011).  Rpt. in  Languaging Across Texts and Contexts: A Reader for Multilingual Writers. Ed. Katherine Silvester.  Southlake TX: Fountainhead Press, 2020.

“语言工作与写作教学 [Language Work and the Teaching and Learning of Writing].” Trans. Liao Qiaoyun and Jia Daichun.  当代修辞学 [Contemporary Rhetoric] 5 (2018).  Rpt. The Structure and Function of Rhetoric.  Shanghai: Fudan UP, 2019.  352-64.

Redefining Work and Value for Writing Program Administration” (JAC 27 [2007]). Rpt. Landmark Essays on Writing Program Administration.  Ed. Kelly Ritter and Melissa Ianetta.  New York: Routledge, 2019.7  241-55.  

写作与修辞研究的跨语言方 [A Translingual Approach to Writing and the Study of Rhetoric].”  Co-authored with Min-Zhan Lu.  Trans. Jianfeng Wang.  当代修辞学 [Contemporary Rhetoric] 5 (2016): 10-21.  Rpt.  當代修辭學的多元闡釋 [The Multiple Interpretations of Contemporary Rhetoric].  Ed. 祝克懿  [Zhu Ke Yi].  Shanghai: Fudan University Press, 2018.  309-26.

"Language Difference in Writing: Toward a Translingual Approach" (with Min-Zhan Lu, Jacqueline Jones Royster, and John Trimbur, College English 2011).  Rpt. in Landmark Essays on Rhetorics of Difference, edited by Ellen Cushman, Damian Baca, and Jonathan Osborne.  New York: Routledge 2018..      

“Language Difference in Writing: Toward a Translingual Approach” (with Min-Zhan Lu, Jacqueline Jones Royster, and John Trimbur, College English 2011).  Rpt. in The St. Martin’s Guide to Teaching Writing, 7/e.  Ed. Cheryl Glenn and Melissa A. Goldthwaite.  Boston: Bedford St. Martin’s, 2013.

"Redefining work and Value for Writing Program Administration." (JAC). Rpt in Interrupting the (Writing) Program:  Making Space for Critical Discourse. Ed. Jeanne Gunner and Donna Strickland. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann Boynton/Cook, 2009. 72-85.

"English Only and U.S. College Composition." (with John Trimbur, College Composition and Communication, 2002). Rpt in The St. Martin's Guide to Teaching Writing, 3rd ed. Ed. Cheryl Glenn, Robert Connors, and Melissa Goldwaite. New York: Bedford St. Martin's, 2007.

"'Students' Right,' English Only, and Re-imagining the Politics of Language." (College English 2001). Rpt in The Hope and the Legacy: The Past, Present, and Future of 'Students' Right to Their Own Language.'" Ed. Patrick Bruch and Richard Marback. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton P, 2004. 173-94.

"Critical Ethnography, Ethics, and Work: Rearticulating Labor." (JAC 2002). Rpt in Ethnography Unbound: From Theory Shock to Critical Praxis. Ed. Stephen G.Brown and Sidney I. Dobrin. Albany: State U of New York P, 2004. 13-34.

"The Problematic of Experience:  Redefining Critical Work in Ethnography and Pedagogy." (with Min-Zhan Lu, College English 1998). Rpt in The Writing Teacher's Sourcebook, 4th ed. Ed. Edward P.J. Corbett, Nancy Myers, and Gary Tate. New York: Oxford UP,  2000. 36-53.

Book Reviews

Review of The Futures of English Studies: Teaching Language, Literature, and Creative Writing in Higher Education, ed. Ann Hewings, Lynda Prescott, and Philip Seargeant.  World Englishes 37.2 (2018): 386-88

Review of Beyond the Mother Tongue: The Postmonolingual Condition, by Yasemin Yildiz.  Comparative Literature Studies 51.2 (2014): 354-57.

Review of Academic Writing in a Global Context: the Politics and Practices of Publishing in English, by Theresa Lillis and Mary Jane Curry.  World Englishes 30.3 (2011):444-47.

Review of Teaching Writing with Latino/a Students: Lessons Learned at Hispanic-Serving Institutions, ed Cristina Kirklighter, Diana Cardenas, and Susan Wolff Murphy. Writing Program Administration. 31.3 (Spring 2008): 126-30.

Review of Tenured Bosses and Disposable Teachers: Writing Instruction in the Mangaged University, ed. Marc Bousquet, Tony Scott, and Leo Parascondola. College Composition and Communication 56 (2004): 351-55.

Review of Mainstreaming Basic Writers: Politics and Pedagogies of Access, ed. Gerry McNenny and Sallyanne H. Fitzgerald. Composition Studies 32.1 (Spring 2004): 132-38.

Review of The Politics of Remediation: Institutional and Student Needs in Higher Education, by Mary Soliday. College Composition and Communication 55 (2003): 175-79.

Review of Rethinking Basic Writing: Exploring Identity, Politics, and Community in Interaction, by Laura Gray-Rosendale. Composition Studies. 28.2 (Fall 2000): 137-40.

Review of The Well-Tun'd Word: Musical Interpretations of English Poetry 1597-1651, by Elise Bickford Jorgens. Seventeenth-Century New 42 (1984): 10-11.

Online Resources


“Translingual Approaches to Writing and Its Teaching.”  WPA-CompPile Research Bibliography No. 28.  With Emily Yuko Cousins, Jaclyn Hilberg, N. Claire Jackson, Rachel Rodriguez, and Alex Way.  2019.

“Global Englishes and Language Difference, WPA-CompPile Research Bibliographies, No. 17. WPA-CompPile Research Bibliographies. With Nancy Bou Ayash, Carrie Kilfoil, Samantha NeCamp, Brice Nordquist, and Vanessa Kraemer Sohan  2011.

 Transnational Composition Listserv <> 2009-

Translingual Writing Website <>  2011-

Invited Short Pieces

“Privatised Academic Writing: Reflections on Access, Knowledge, and Policy.”  Journal of Academic Writing 13.1 (2023): 50-52.

“Don’t Take Editorial Advice—Use It.” Explanation Points: Publishing in Rhetoric and Composition. Ed. John Gallagher and Dànielle Nicole DeVoss.  Boulder:  UP of Colorado / Utah State UP, forthcoming. 

“Five Hundred Words on Composition.”  University Press of Colorado/Utah State University Press blog.  15 August 2017.

“The Promise of Language Difference in Writing.” University Press of Colorado/Utah State University Press blog.  25 July 2017.

“What I Wish I’d Known in Graduate School.”  25 January 2017.

Conference Papers

“Rewriting Modality and Writing.”  Modern Language Association.  Virtual conference, 10 January 2021.

“Translanguaging, Translinguality, and Labor.”  American Association for Applied Linguistics.  Denver, CO, 30 March 2020 [conference canceled for COVID-19].

“Toward an Ideological Model of Modality.”  Conference on College Composition and Communication.   Pittsburgh, PA, 16 March 2019.

“Knowledge as Social Practice.”  Thomas R. Watson Conference on Rhetoric and Composition.  University of Louisville, Louisville, KY.  26 October 2018.

"English Only Monolingualism and the Devaluation of Composition.”  Conference on College Composition and Communication.  Portland, OR, 16 March 2017.

“Translanguaging and/in the Two-Year College: Approaching Language Difference in Diverse Scenes.”  Respondent.  Conference on College Composition and Communication.  Portland, OR, 16 March 2017.

“Mobility, Friction, and Literacy Practice as Knowledge Transformation.”  Writing Research Across Borders, IV.  Bogota, Colombia, 18 February 2017.

“Postmonolingual Rhetoric.”  Rhetoric Society of America Conference. Atlanta, GA, 28 May 2016.

“Reworking Disciplinary Traditions of Writing Research and Teaching.”  Conference on College Composition and Communication.  Houston, TX, 9 April 2016.

“Translating Writing, (Re)Writing Translation.”  Conference on College Composition and Communication.  Tampa, FL, 21 March 2015.

“Rethinking Difference in Composing Composition: Language, Translation, Genre, Modality.”  Conference on College Composition and Communication.  Indianapolis, IN, 21 March 2014.

“Failing to Learn and Learning to Fail.”  Respondent.  Conference on College Composition and Communication.  Indianapolis, IN, 20 March 2014.

“Engaging Differences in University Writing Research: Composition Studies.”  Writing Research Across Borders, III.  Paris, France, 19 February 2014 [in absentia].

“Rewriting English as a Lingua Franca.” International Association for the Improvement of Mother Tongue Education Conference.  Paris, France, 12 June 2013.

“Beyond ‘English-only’ in U.S. Writing Instruction: Fostering Translingual Dispositions in Writing Teacher Education.”  With Carrie Byars Kilfoil.  Integrating Content and Language in Higher Education.  Maastricht, the Netherlands.  11-13 April 2013.

“Linguistic Theory in Approaches to Written Error in US Composition: History and Current Directions.” With Min-Zhan Lu.  “Former à l’écrit universitaire: Un terrain pour la linguistique [Training in Academic Writing: A Field of Research for Linguists]?” Colloque co-organisé par le laboratoire MODYCO de l’Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense et University of Chicago in Paris.  Paris, France.  23 November 2012.

“Recognition, Agency, and the Copy in Literacy Practice: (Re)structuring Tradition.”  With Min-Zhan Lu.  Conference on College Composition and Communication.  St. Louis, MO, 23 March 2012.

“U.S. Composition’s Fit in the World: Internationalization’s Influence on Theory and Pedagogy.”  Respondent.  Conference on College Composition and Communication.  St. Louis, MO, 23 March 2012.

"Toward Translingual Writing Dispositions." Conference on College Composition and Communication. Atlanta, GA, 9 April 2011.

"Code-Meshing as World English: Policy, Pedagogy, Performance." Respondent. Conference on College Composition and Communication. Atlanta, GA, 9 April 2011.

"From Monolingualism to Translingualism in Writing Research." With Christiane Donahue and Samantha NeCamp. Writing Research Across Borders II. George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, 18 February 2011.

"From a Monolingual to a Translingual Norm in the Study of Writing." With Christiane Donahue and Samantha NeCamp. University Literacies: Knowledge, Writing, Disciplines. Université Lille 3, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France, 3 September 2010.

"World Englishes at the Center: (Re)Writing English in the U.S." World Englishes Today: A Critical Reevaluation of Theory, Methodology, and Pedagogy in Global Contexts. International Association for World Englishes. Vancouver, Canada. 27 July 2010.

"Monolingual to Translingual Norms in the U.S. Study of Writing." With Christiane Donahue and Samantha NeCamp. World Englishes Today: A Critical Reevaluation of Theory, Methodology, and Pedagogy in Global Contexts. International Association for World Englishes. Vancouver, Canada. 27 July 2010.

"Working English, Rewriting Composition." Conference on College Composition and Communication. Louisville, KY, 20 March 2010.

"Rethinking the English in English Studies." Modern Language Association Conference. Philadephia, 27 December 2009 [in absentia].

"Teaching Toward Diversalité in English: Putting English in Translation." Featured Speaker. With Min-Zhan Lu [in absentia]. International Symposium on Second Language Writing: The Future of Second Language Writing. Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ. 5 November 2009.

"(Re)Writing English as a Lingua Franca: Putting English in Translation." 2nd International Conference on English as a Lingua Franca. University of Southampton. Southampton, UK, 7 April 2009.

"Transnational English(es) and U.S. Composition: from Global to Glocal." Conference on College Composition and Communication. San Francisco, CA 12 March 2009.

"Methods, Ethics, Labor, and Imperatives: Making Material Waves in Ethnographic Study." Respondent. Conference on College Composition and Communication. San Francisco, CA, 12 March 2009.

"The Logic of Listening to Global Englishes." With Min-Zhan Lu. Modern Language Association Conference. San Francisco, CA, 29 December 2008.

"Rewriting the Illegible in Global Composition." Thomas Watson Conference on Rhetoric and Composition. University of Louisville, Louisville, KY, 18 October 2008.

"Globalizing English: Re-writing Error from a Multilingual Perspective." La Rédaction et la rédactologie au-delà des frontières disciplinaires et nationales/Writing Beyond Borders: Writing Studies Across Disciplinary and National Borders. Vancouver, B.C., 3 June 2008 [in absentia].

"Re-Imagining the Career of Rhetoric in an Illegible Era: Beyond the Critical/Pragmatic Divide in Pedagogy and Profession." With Min-Zhan Lu. Rhetoric Society of America Conference. Seattle, WA, 25 May 2008.

"Toward Multilingual University Discourse(s): Negotiating Global Englishes." Les discours universitaires: Formes, pratiques, mutations. Colloque international, Universités de Bruxelles, Liège, & Louvain.  Brussels, Belgium, 25 April 2008.

"Teaching the Work of Scholarship: Graduate Students, Reading, and Writing." Conference on College Composition and Communication. New Orleans, LA, 4 April 2008.

"Language Difference, Error, and Writing Across Borders." With Min-Zhan Lu. Writing Research Across Borders Conference. University of California, Santa Barbara. Santa Barbara, CA, February 2008 [in absentia].

"The Global Economy and Class Identity: Three Teaching Scenarios." Respondent, featured session. Conference on College Composition and Communication, New York, NY 22 March 2007.

"James Slevin and the Identifying Practices of Composition." Conference on College Composition and Communication. New York, NY, 24 March 2007.

"Resisting Monolingualism in 'English': Reading and Writing the Politics of Language." Featured speaker. Why English? Conference. Oxford University. Oxford, United Kingdom, 28 October 2006.

"Fighting Against Power: The Counter-collective Rhetoric of WPA Narratives." Watson Conference on Rhetoric and Composition.  University of Louisville. Louisville, KY, 5 October 2006.

"Composition and the Use of Counter-Disciplinary Work." Writing Development in Higher Education Conference. Open University. Milton Keynes, United Kingdom, 11 May 2006.

"Coles's 'I' as Teacher of Writing." Conference on College Composition and Communication.  Chicago, 25 March 2006.

Respondent, "Decentering the Center: Creating Spaces for Teachers and Students in Scholarly Conversations." Conference on College Composition and Communication. Chicago, 23 March 2006.

"The Social and the Personal in Discoursal Identities." Conference on College Composition and Communication. San Francisco, CA, 17 March 2005.

Respondent, "The Economics of Plagiarism and Authorship." Conference on College Composition and Communication. San Francisco, CA, 17 March 2005.

"Labor and the Mainstreaming of Basic Writing." Watson Biennial Conference on Rhetoric and Composition. University of Louisville, Louisville, KY, 7 October 2004.

"Cross-Language Relations in Composition." Featured session. Conference on College Composition and Communication. San Antonio, TX, 26 March 2004.

"Bourdieu and Composition." Conference on College Composition and Communication. New York, NY, 22 March 2003.

"Reworking Identities in Writing Program Administration: Labor and the Institution in Academe." Composing Identity: The Thomas R. Watson Conference on Rhetoric and Composition. University of Louisville, Louisville, KY, 12 October 2002.

"Multi-Tasks/Multi-Texts:The Work of Composition in an Age of Mechanical Reproduction." Conference  on College Composition and Communication.  Chicago, 22 March 2002.

"Making an Academic Difference: Popular Music Study and Disciplinary Identity Politics." International Association for the Study of Popular Music-U.S. Iowa City, IA, 14 September 2001 [canceled following events of 9/11/01].

"Fighting English-Only in the State Capital and the University: The Politics of Scholarship and the Scholarship of Politics. " Conference on College Composition and Communication. Denver, CO, 16 March 2001.

"Teaching the Labor of Listening: Toward a Pedagogy of Music as Social." Musical Intersections: Joint Conference of the International Association for the Study of Popular Music, the American Musicology Society, the Society for Ethnomusicology, et al. Toronto, 3 November 2000.

"English Only in Writing: Redefining Citizenship, English, Literacy, and Composition." Conference on College Composition and Communication. Minneapolis, MN, 14 April 2000.

"Resisting Student Resistance to the Study of Popular Music." International Association for the Study of Popular Music-U.S. Conference. Murfreesboro, TN, 2 October 1999.

"Traditions and the Traditional in Composition." Conference on College Composition and Communication. Atlanta, GA, 26 March 1999.

"Re-Materializing the Work of Academic Literacy." Thomas R. Watson Conference on Rhetoric and Composition: Multiple Literacies for the 21st Century. University of Louisville, Louisville, KY, 10 October 1998.

"Redefining the Work of Composition: Student Writing as Material Practice." Conference on College Composition and Communication. Chicago,  2 April 1998.

"The Problematic of Experience: Redefining Critical Work in Ethnography and Pedagogy." With Min-Zhan Lu. Penn State Conference on Rhetoric and Composition. University Park, PA. 6-9 July 1997.

"Materializing the Culture of 'Student Writing': Treating Practice as Work in the Writing Course." Conference on College Composition and Communication. Phoenix, AZ. 13 March 1997.

"'Authoring' Students and the University: Errors, Counterfacts, and the Place of Basic Writing." Conference on College Composition and Communication. Milwaukee, WI. 28 March 1996.

"Difference, the Negotiation of Power, and Error." Conference on College Composition and Communication. Washington D.C. 25 March 1995.

"Writing Down the Songs: Teaching Conflicts in English and Music." Midwest Modern Language Association Conference. Chicago, IL. 13 November 1994.

"CUNY Open Admissions and the 'Birth' of 'Basic Writing.'" Conference on College Composition and Communication. Nashville, TN. 19 March 1994.

"Composing Composition: Theories of Tradition in the History of the Discipline." Conference on College Composition and Communication. San Diego, CA.  2 April 1993.

"Teaching Editing and the Negotiation of Power." Basic Writing Conference. College Park, MD, 9 October 1992.

"Re-Inventing the Epistemic Approach: Continuing a Resistant Tradition." Conference on College Composition and Communication. Cincinnati, OH. 19 March 1992.

"Writing Down the Songs." National Council of Teachers of English Convention. Seattle, WA. 24 November 1991.

"Errors as Social 'Facts': Teaching Editing as Negotiation." Conference on College Composition and Communication. Chicago, IL. 22 March 1990. [Also presented at Basic Writing Conference. St. Louis, MO. 30 September 1989.]

"Seventeenth-Century English Songs as Songs: Performance Practices and Song Texts." Midwest Modern Language Association. Minneapolis, MN. 4 November 1989.

"Integrating Basic Writing with the University: Teaching the 'Basics' of Writing as Writing." Conference on College Composition and Communication. Atlanta, GA. 21 March 1987. [Also presented at The Penn State Conference on Rhetoric and Composition. University Park, PA. 7 July 1987].

"Teaching the Skills of Correct Written Form: An Alternative to Traditional Methods." Conference on College Composition and Communication.  New Orleans, LA. 15 March 1986.

Invited Presentations

 “Rewriting Difference in Modality and Language: Practices Changing Writing.”  University of Washington.  Seattle, WA, 27 February 2019.

“Why Writing Matters: Writing, Labor, and Language.”  Keynote address, State University of New York Council on Writing Conference.  Farmingdale State University.  Farmingdale, New York.  20 October 2018.

“Writing, Reading, and Revising (in) the Disciplines.”  Pacific Lutheran University.  Tacoma, WA, 4 May 2018.

 “Work and Language in Composition: Writing and Its Teaching as Material Social Practice.”  University of Utah.  Salt Lake City, UT, 1 December 2017.

"Cultivating Curiosity: Agency, Difference, and Writing Language.”  Keynote address.  Two-Year College Association Midwest Conference.  St. Paul, MN, 6 October 2017.

“Multimodality, Language, and Difference.  Purdue University.  West Lafayette, IN, 21 April 2017.

“Multlingual Students and the University Challenge.”  Transylvania University.  Lexington, KY, 20 January 2017. 

“Action-reflection and the Translingual Norm: ELF, Translation, and Transfer.”  Illinois State University.  Normal, IL, 10 November 2016.

“Rewriting Composition: Terms of Exchange.”  Miami University.  Oxford, OH, 10 October 2016.

 “Writing, Reading, and Revising (in) the Disciplines.”  Seattle Pacific University. Seattle, WA, 10 May 2016.

“A Conversation with Bruce Horner: Rewriting Composition.”  University of Pittsburgh.  Pittsburgh, PA, 18 June 2015.

“Teaching Writing as Translation: A Translingual Approach.”  With Min-Zhan Lu.  Keynote Address, Writing as Translation: The Tenth Annual Conference on the Teaching of Writing.  University of Connecticut.  Storrs, CT, 27 March 2015.

“Changing the Terms: Disciplines, Languages, and Writing.”  Roundtable.  Writing as Translation: The Tenth Annual Conference on the Teaching of Writing.  University of Connecticut.  Storrs, CT, 27 March 2015.

“A Translingual Approach to the Culture of Writing and Its Teaching: Rewriting Difference.”  Fudan University.  Shanghai, China, 19 November 2013.

“Labor, Language, and Academic Literacy.” Perspectives on Writing and Rhetoric Lecture Series.  Department of English, University of Maryland.  College Park, MD, 16 September 2013.

“A Translingual Approach to the Culture of Writing and Its Teaching: Rewriting Difference.”  With Min-Zhan Lu.  Keynote lecture.  Minnesota Writing and English Conference Program: Writing Cultures.  Minneapolis, MN, 4 April 2013.

“Rewriting English: Toward a Translingual Approach to Composition.”  Composition Matters: A First-Year Writing Symposium.  Co-sponsored by the Department of English and the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, University of Illinois at Chicago.  Chicago, IL, 26 April 2013.

“Translingual Literacy, Language Difference, and Matters of Agency.”  Walker Gibson Memorial Lecture.  With Min-Zhan Lu.  University of Massachusetts.  Amherst, MA, 23 April 2013.

“A Translingual Approach to the Culture of Writing and Its Teaching: Rewriting Difference.”  With Min-Zhan Lu.  Keynote lecture.  Minnesota Writing and English Conference Program: Writing Cultures.  Minneapolis, MN, 4 April 2013.

“Conversations with Bruce Horner and Min-Zhan Lu: Translingual Literacy, Language Difference, and Matters of Agency.”  Department of Writing Studies Colloquium, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, 5 April 2013.

“A Translingual Approach to Teaching Writing.”  With Min-Zhan Lu.  University of Pittsburgh.  Pittsburgh, PA, 17 January 2013.

“Resisting Monolingualism.”  With Min-Zhan Lu.  Paul Krueger Symposium for Teachers of International and Second Language Writers.  Northeastern University.  Boston, MA, 5 September 2012.

“Transformation in Academic Literacies: Rewriting Difference in Language and Literacy.”  Keynote speaker, Colloquium: “Literacy Practices in the 21st Century: What’s New in the Social Practice Approach to Literacy?”  King’s College.  London, United Kingdom, 28 May 2012.

“A Translingual Approach to Error in Student Writing.”  Guest lecture/workshop with Min-Zhan Lu.  Western Washington University.  Bellingham, WA, 7 May 2012.

“Re-Writing English.”  Guest lecture.  University of Maine.  Orono, ME, 6 April 2012.

“Relocating Basic Writing.”  Keynote speech, Conference on Basic Writing:  “Gathered at the Gate: Basic Writing in Evidence.”  St. Louis, MO, 21 March 2012.

“The Foreign Language Requirement in Doctoral Programs in Rhetoric and Composition: Rethinking Language Relations in Composition.”  With Carrie Byars Kilfoil.  Consortium of Doctoral Programs in Rhetoric and Composition.  St. Louis, MO, 21 March 2012.

"Translingual Literacy and U.S. College Composition."  With Min-Zhan Lu.  Culbertson Speaker Series.  Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, 28 September 2011.

"Translingual Literacy and matters of Agency."  With Min-Zhan Lu.  Plenary Address, Penn State Conference on Rhetoric and Composition: Rhetoric and Writing Across Language Boundaries.  State College, PA, 11 July 2011.

"Translingual Literacy and the Production of Difference."  With Min-Zhan Lu.  Guest colloquium lecture, Simon Fraser University.  Vancouver, BC, 23 June 2011.

"Re-Locating Basic Writing."  Symposium on Remediation in English.  California State University, Fresno.  Fresno, CA, 15 April 2011.

"Re-Writing English: Toward a Translingual Approach to Teaching Writing."  Guest lecture.  Dartmouth College.  Hanover, NH, 1 April 2011.

"(Re)Writing English."  Guest lecture.  Michigan Technological University.  Houghton, MI, 24 March 2011.

"Writing English as a Lingua Franca." Guest Lecture. With Min-Zhan Lu. Fudan University, Shanghai, China. 22 April 2010.

"Writing English in Translation: ELF, World Englishes, and Diversalité." University of Minnesota. Minneapolis, MN. 29 March 2010.

"Teaching the Logic of Transcultural English." Visiting Scholar invited guest lecture. University of Oxford. Oxford, United Kingdom. 10 December 2009.

"Putting the Rhetoric of Rhetoric to Work in Composition, Literacy, and English." Visiting Scholar invited guest lecture. University of Oxford. Oxford, United Kingdom.  9 December 2009.

"Rewriting English: ELF, World Englishes, and English in Translation." University of West Indies. Kingston, Jamaica. 19 November 2009.

"Teaching Composition and Transnational Englishes: Rewriting English as Lingua Franca." Emerson College First Year Writing Program Speaker Series. Boston, MA. 2 April 2009.

"From English-Only to Multilingual Pedagogy: World Englishes, Lingua Franca English, and the Response to Difference in Student Writing." Keynote lecture, Louisiana Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages Conference. Baton Rouge, LA, 17 October 2008.

"Rewriting the Personal." Guest Lecture. University of Louisiana Lafayette. Lafayette, LA. 16 October 2008.

"English Only, Globalizing, and the Response to Difference in Student Writing: The Multilingual Alternative." Miami University. Oxford, OH, 18 April 2008.

"Globalizing, English-Only, and Difference in Student Writing: Toward a Multilingual Pedagogy." National University of Singapore. 15 November 2007.

"Resisting Monolingualism in Composition." University of New Hampshire. Durham, NH. 13 April 2007.

"Writing Difference Differently: An Alternative Politics to English Only." Virginia Technological University. Blacksburg, VA. 23 February 2007.

"Cultural Materialism and the Teaching of Writing." Guest co-speaker, Open University Applied Language and Literacies Research Unit Twilight Seminar. Milton Keynes, United Kingdom. 10 May 2006.

"Re-placing Basic Writing." Guest lecture. University of Wisconsin-Madison Colloquium. Madison, WI, 31 March 2006.

"Rethinking Basic Writing and Institutional Change." Keynote lecture, Issues of Articulation: Institutional, Local, Global. Fifth Annual Interstate Conference, Wayne State University. Detroit, MI. 23 April 2005.

"Redefining the Personal and Private in Public Discourse." Guest lecture. University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Champaign-Urbana, IL. 22 April 2004.

"Revaluing Academic Work in Composition." Featured Speaker. Thomas R. Watson Conference on Rhetoric and Composition: Labor, Writing Technologies, and the Shaping of Composition in the Academy. University of Louisville. Louisville, KY. 5 October 2000.

"Official English." Iowa State University Linguistics Program panel. Ames, IA, 1 December 1999.

"'Much for him to doe that hath not power': Performance and Late Renaissance English Songs." Colloquium. University of Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh, PA. 16 November 1990.


“Addressing Language Difference and Error in Student Writing.”  Pacific Lutheran University. Tacoma, WA, 4 May 2018.

"Multilingual Writing Pedagogy: Teaching Translation as Writing and Writing as Translation.”  Transylvania University.  Lexington, KY, 21 January 2017.

 “Addressing Language Difference and Error in Student Writing.”  Transylvania University.  Lexington, KY, 21 January 2017.

“A Translingual Writing Pedagogy: Teaching Translation as Writing and Writing as Translation.”  Language and Rhetorical Studies Workshop: Working with Multilingual Writers: Theory and Pedagogy.  University of Michigan.  Ann Arbor, MI, 12 November 2016.

“Addressing Language Difference and Error in Student Writing.”  Seattle Pacific University.  Seattle, WA, 10 May 2016.

“Crossing BW/ESL/FYW Divides, II: Pedagogical and Institutional Strategies for Translingual Writing.” Chair and Organizer.  Conference on College Composition and Communication Preconvention Workshop.  Indianapolis, IN, 19 March 2014.

“Reading Difference and Error in Teaching Writing.”  Sun-Yat Sen University Teacher Development Program for Excellence in English Writing, with Min-Zhan Lu and LuMing Mao.  Guangzhou, China.  11-15 November 2013.

“Tools for Teaching Academic Literacy in a Multilingual Society.” With Min-Zhan Lu. Highline Community College.  Seattle, WA, 24 October 2013.

“Responding to Language Difference and Error in Writing.”  With Min-Zhan Lu and John Trimbur.  Virginia Technological University.  Blacksburg, VA, 12 April 2013.

“Crossing BW/ESL/FYW Divides: Exploring Translingual Writing Pedagogies and Programs.”  Chair and Organizer.  Conference on College Composition and Communication.  Las Vegas, NV, 13 March 2013.

“Teaching Proofreading as Reading: Difference and Error.”  Northeastern University.  Boston, MA 4 September 2012.

“Teaching Proofreading as Reading: Reading Difference and Error.”  University of Utah.  Salt Lake City, UT, 23 February 2012.

"Valuing Difference in Student Writing."  Indiana University.  Bloomington, IN, 28 April 2011.

"Incorrect, Inappropriate, Innovative, or In-between?: Working with Difference in Student Texts." University of Oxford. Oxford, United Kingdom. 9 December 2009.

"Does My Writing Really Matter? Pedagogical Challenges of Teaching Basic Writers." University of Cincinnati Clermont College. Cincinnati, OH. 21 April 2009.

"Responding to Difference and Error in Student Writing." Louisiana Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages Conference.  Baton Rouge, LA. 17 October 2008.

"Dialogue on Student Writing." With Min-Zhan Lu. Jefferson Community and Technical College, Southwest Campus. Louisville, KY. 22 August 2008.

"Dialogue on English Composition: Responding to Difference and Error in Student Writing." Jefferson Community and Technical College. Louisville, KY. 6 March 2008.

"Engaging English Language Learners in Our Courses." Virginia Technological University. Blacksburg, VA. 24 February 2007.

"Reading and Writing Assignment Sequences." Riverside University High School faculty workshop. Riverside University High School. Milwaukee, WI. 27 September 2002.

"Teaching Writing through Music." General Education faculty workshop. Roanoke College. Roanoke, VA. 8 May 2001.

"Representing the 'Other': Basic Writers and the Teaching of Basic Writing." Graduate on-line workshop, University of Southern Missouri. Spring 2000.

"The Problematics of Representing 'Difference' in Composition Teaching and Research." Master class. University of South Florida. Tampa, FL. 17 January 1997.

Local Talks/E-lectures

“Making Sense of Language Difference and Error in Student Writing: What It Might Be, and How We Might Address It.”  With Charlotte Asmuth.  University of Louisville Dept. of English, 18 March 2021.

“Assignment Sequence Design for Writing Courses.”  University of Louisville Dept. of English.  15 February 2018.

“Re-Working English in Rhetoric and Composition: Language, Locations, Interventions.”  With Karen Kopelson and Nancy Bou Ayash.  PhD Visiting Day, University of Louisville Dept. of English.  1 March 2013.

"Writing and Revising: 'Revaluing Student Writing'" Graduate Student Forum. University of Louisville. 12 April 2010.

"Textbook Cases: Writing Textbooks and the Profession of Rhetoric and Composition." With Joseph Harris and Bronwyn Williams. Composition Program Forum, University of Louisville. 12 November 2008.

"English Only, Globalizing, and Difference in Student Writing." University of Louisville Faculty Forum. Louisville, KY. 2 March 2007.

"Errors that Matter, 'Errors' that Don't, and Helping Students Learn to Proofread." 13 March 2009. e-lecture. <>

"Using 'Reverse Underlining' to Teach Rereading and Revision." 13 March 2009. e-lecture. <>


“Academic Publishing and Presenting in a Global Context: Critically Exploring the State of Our Knowledge about Academic Publication Practices.”  Discussion leader, online symposium.  Sponsored by the Association Internationale de Linguistique Appliquée/International Association of Applied Linguistics Research Network, and the British Association for Applied Linguistics Professional, Academic, and Work-based Literacies Special Interest Group. 5-25 February 2018.

"Changing Creative Writing in America.”  Continuing Education and Conference Center.  St. Paul, MN, 19-20 November 2015.

“Rewriting Language(s), Composition, and Error.”  With Min-Zhan Lu and John Trimbur.  Virginia Technological University.  Blacksburg, VA, 11 April 2013.

“Translingual Approaches to the Teaching of  Writing.”  With Min-Zhan Lu.  University of Utah.  Salt Lake City, UT, 24 February 2012.

"Teaching Writing as Critical Inquiry."  Fudan University, Shanghai, China, 4 May 2011.

"Functions and Future of China English." Seminar, Graduate Institute of Interpretation and Translation, Shanghai International Studies University. Shanghai, China. 22 November 2007.

"Speech and Writing." University of Massaschusetts, Amherst. Amherst, MA. 18-22 June 2007.

"Researching Women: Ethics,  Methodology, and Activism."  Virginia Technological University. Blacksburg,VA.  25-28 April 2007.

Undergraduate Courses

Basic Writing

Basic Reading and Writing (6 hour course)

Freshman Seminar in Reading and Writing

Introduction to College Writing

Writing Tutorial

Literary Study

Writing about Songs

Advanced Expository and Persuasive Writing

Songs and Song Criticism

Renaissance Lyric Song

Swift and Defoe

Social Difference in Writing

Literacy, Thought, and Culture

Graduate Courses

Academic Writing in Theory and Practice

Work in English

Social Difference in Writing

Literacy, Thought, and Culture

Basic Writing in History, Theory, and Practice

Teaching College Writing

Sequencing in Writing Pedagogy and Curricula

Rethinking Basic Writing: Critiques and Alternative

Critical Pedagogy, Its Discontents, and Beyond in English Studies

Writing, Cognition, and Culture in Curriculum Design

The Politics of Language in the Teaching and Study of Composition

Outside Composition

Writing Program Administration in Theory and Practice

Mobility Work in Composition: Translation, Migration, Transformation

Translingual Writing in Theory and Practice

Graduate Writing in the Disciplines

Composition Theory and Practice

Dissertations Directed

Tobias Christopher Lee, University of Louisville.  "Rainforests of the Mind: Conceiving Transnational Composition from a Mobilities Perspective on Knowledge."  2020-23.  Hong Kong Polytechnic University faculty.

Alex Way, University of Louisville.  “Rewriting Writing as Transmodal and Translingual: Tranßcribing Japanese.”  2020-22.  University of Utah faculty.

Charlotte Asmuth, University of Louisville.  “Re-localizing Writing Assessment: Sites of Knowledge Mobilization.”  2019-22.  Duke University faculty.

Rachel Rodriguez, University of Louisville.  “A Translingual Approach to the Theory and Practice of Basic Writing.”  2019-21. Washington College faculty.

Joseph Brian Franklin, University of Louisville. “Transnational Writing Studies: Understanding Institutions and Institutional Work Through Narratives of Navigation.” 2019-21.  New York City College of Technology, City University of New York faculty.

Christopher Scheidler, University of Louisville.   “Making Modality: Transmodal Composing in a Digital Media Studio.”  2018-20.  Weber State University faculty.

Sara P. Alvarez, University of Louisville.  “Conciencia Bilingüe: The Multilingual and Academic Writing Practices of Undocumented Immigrant Activists.”  2016-18.   Winner, University of Louisville Guy Stevenson Award for Excellence in Graduate StudiesQueens College, City University of New York faculty.

Hem Paudel, University of Louisville.  “Mediation in Literacy: Language, Technology, and Modality.”  2013-15.  University of Iowa faculty.

Megan Bardolph, University of Louisville.  “Language Difference and Expansive Learning: Negotiating Concepts, Contexts, and Identities in Writing-Related Transfer Studies.”  2013-15.  Pennsylvania State University faculty.

Carrie Kilfoil, University of Louisville.  “The Language Politics of Graduate Studies in Composition: Toward a Translingual, Cross-cultural Approach to Doctoral Education in the Field.”  2012-14.  University of Indianapolis faculty.

Tika Lamsal, University of Louisville.  “Transcultural Rhetorics, Translingual Repertoires: Literacy Practices of Bhutanese Refugees in the U.S.”  2012-14.  University of San Francisco faculty.

Nancy Bou Ayash, University of Louisville.  “Translingualism in Post-Secondary Writing and Language Instruction in Lebanon: Negotiating Language Ideologies in Policies and Pedagogical Practices.”  2012-13.  Winner, 2014 James A. Berlin Dissertation AwardFaculty, University of Washington.

Karega, Joy, University of Louisville.  “Servants of My People First: Michigan State University, Black Radical Students, and Extracurricular Literacy, 1962-1975.”   2011-14. Oberlin College faculty.

Vanessa Kraemer Sohan, University of Louisville. "Theorizing 'Alternative' Discourses and Practices." 2010-11.  Faculty, Florida International University.

Matthew Dowell, University of Louisville. "The Context of Response: Investigating Intersections between Ideologies and Written Comments in Composition Classrooms."  2010-13.  Faculty, Towson University.

Scott L. Rogers, University of Louisville. "Writing Out the Storm: 'Posttraumatic Pedagogy' and the Work of Composition."  2009-10.  Faculty, Pacific Lutheran  University.

Julia Kiernan, University of Louisville. "An Observation into How Canadian Immigrant Students Utilize Language in the First-Year Writing Classroom." 2009-2010.  Lawrence Technological University faculty.

Katherine Malcolm, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. "Resurfacing: New Guides for Basic Writing" (co-director). 2007-11.  University of Washington Center for Teaching and Learning instructional consultant.

Dryer, Dylan, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. "On Possibilities of Reading and Writing: Discoursal Resources and Composing Institutional Genres." 2005-2007.  Faculty, University of Maine.

Service to the Profession


Modern Language Association Mina P. Shaughnessy Biennial Book Selection Committee, 2020-22

Modern Language Association Rhetoric and Composition/Writing Studies History and Theory of Composition Forum (elected), 2017-21

Chair, Council of Writing Program Administrators Liaison Committee, 2016-17

Council of Writing Program Administrators Liaison Committee, 2015-16Conference on College Composition and Communication Committee on Globalization of Postsecondary Writing Instruction and Research, 2013-20

Conference on College Composition and Communication Scholarship in Writing and Rhetoric Task Force, 2012

National Council of Teachers of English Richard Ohmann Award Committee Chair, 2012-13

National Council of Teachers of English College Section Steering Committee (elected), 2011-15

Conference on College Composition and Communication Scholarship in Writing and Rhetoric Task Force, 2012

National Council of Teachers of English Richard Ohmann Award Committee Chair, 2012-13

National Council of Teachers of English College Section Steering Committee, 2011-15.

Chair, Conference on College Composition and Communication Chairs' Memorial Scholarship Selection Committee, 2010.

Conference on College Composition and Communication Chairs' Memorial Scholarship Selection Committee, 2009-10.

Transnational Composition. Conference on College Composition and Communication Special Interest Group Chair. 2009-.

Public Policy Committee,  National Council of Teachers of English/Conference on College Composition and Communication, 2003-2006.

Executive Committee, Conference on College Composition and Communication, 2000-2003.

Ad hoc Mission Statement Conference on College Composition and Communication Executive Committee Subcommittee. 2002-2003.

Editorial: Boards

Associate Editor, CompPile Bibliography, WAC Clearinghouse, 2019-

Colorado State University Open Press WAC Clearinghouse Publications Review Board, 2018-

Multilingual Matters Book Series Studies in Knowledge Production and Participation, 2016-

JAC: A Journal of Rhetoric, Culture, & Politics, 2014-

The UWI Quality Education Forum, 2013-

Conference on College Composition and Communication Studies in Writing and Rhetoric book series, 2007-2010.

Literacy in Composition Studies, 2012-21

WPA Journal, 2004-15.

Composition Forum, 2001-.

Editorial Reader: Journal Manuscript Reviews

DELTA—Documentacã e Estudos em Linguística Teórica e Aplicada/DELTA—Documentation and Studies in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, 2021-

Australian Review of Applied Linguistics, 2020- ,

Enculturation, 2018-

Journal of Writing Assessment, 2018-

Publications of the Modern Language Association, 2017

Journal of Language, Identity, and Education, 2016-  

Journal of Sociolinguistics, 2016-

Journal of Second Language Writing, 2014-

Modern Language Journal, 2014-

Research in the Teaching of English, 2013-

Pedagogy: An International Journal, 2013- ,Journal of Sociolinguistics, 2012-

Journal of College Literacy and Learning, 2011-

Management Learning, 2010-

Pedagogy, 2011-

Midwest/Modern Language Association Journal, 2009-.

WPA Journal,2004-.

Composition Studies, 2003-.

Assessing Writing,1999-.

College English, 1998-.

College Composition and Communication,1993-.

JAC: A Journal of Composition Theory,1992.

Editorial Reader: Book Manuscript Reviews

University of Pittsburgh Press, 2021

Routledge, 2021

Routledge, 2018

Multilingual Matters, 2016

Integrating Content and Language in Higher Education Conference Proceedings, 2013

International Association for the Improvement of Mother Tongue Education Conference Proceedings, 2013

United Kingdom Economic & Social Research Council (rapporteur), 2013

Taylor & Francis/Routledge, 2013

NCTE Studies in Writing and Rhetoric, 2012

Southern Illinois University Press, 2010.

Southern Illinois University Press, 2009.

University of Pittsburgh Press, 2009.

Oxford University Press, 2008.

Bedford St Martin's, 2008.

University of Pittsburgh Press, 2008.

University of Pittsburgh Press, 2006.

Southern Illinois University Press, 2006.

National Council of Teachers of English, 2005.

State University of New York Press, 1999.

Tenure and Promotion External Reviews

Pennsylvania State University, 2021

University of Utah, 2021

Dartmouth College, 2021

City College of the City University of New York, 2020

University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, 2018

Boise State University, Idaho, 2017

University of Massachusetts, Amherst, 2017

University of Nebraska, Lincoln, 2016

University of California, Los Angeles, 2016

University of Texas, Austin, 2015

University of Pittsburgh, 2015

New York University, 2014

University of Washington, 2014

Michigan Technological University, 2013

Queens College, City University of New York, 2013

Open University, United Kingdom, 2012

Rochester Institute of Technology, 2012

Washington State University, Vancouver, 2012

Syracuse University, 2012

St. John's University, 2011

University of Colorado Boulder, 2011

University of Nevada Las Vegas, 2011

University of Maryland, 2011

University of Missouri, 2010

Pennsylvania State University, 2010

University of Utah, 2009

Syracuse University, 2009

University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth, 2008

University of Michigan-Dearborn, 2008

University of North Carolina-Charlotte, 2007

City College of the City University of New York, 2007

University of South Alabama, 2006

University of Minnesota, 2006

Miami University, 2006

University of Minnesota, 2004

Wayne State University, 2004

Baruch College of the City University of New York, 2003

City College of the City University of New York, 2001

City College of the City University of New York, 2000

Department and Program External Reviews

2011 English Language Foundation Programme, University of the West Indies St. Augustine Campus,  Trinidad and Tobago

2009 Department of Language, Linguistics, and Philosophy, University of West Indies, Mona

2008 English Department External Review, University of North Carolina Charlotte

2004 Writing Program Review, Temple University, Philadelphia

University, College, and Departmental Service

University of Louisville Departmental Service

Director, Watson Conference, 2015-17

Graduate Committee, 2015-18

Watson Conference Committee, 2009-19, 2022-23

Rhetoric and Composition Search Committee, 2009-2010.

Chair, Rhetoric and Composition Search Committee, 2008-2009.

Departmental Personnel Committee, 2006-2009; 2010-13, 2018-19, 2020-

Chair, Modern and Contemporary Rhetoric and Composition Doctoral Examination Committee, 2008-2009.

Modern and Contemporary Rhetoric and Composition Doctoral Examination Committee, 2007-.

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Department Service

Departmental Personnel Committee, 2003-2005.

Graduate Program Committee, 2002-2006.

TA Selection Committee, 2002-2006.

Director of Composition and Associate Department Chair, 2002-2006.

Academic Staff Committee, 2001-2006.

Composition Advisory Committee (chair), 2001-2006

Graduate Rhetoric and Composition Advisory Committee, 2001-2006.

Professional Writing and Rhetoric Search Committee, 2001-2002.

Drake University Service

Educational Policies and Issues Committee, Fall 2000-2001.

Faculty Roles Working Group, 1999-2000.

First-Year Seminar Writing Advisor, 1999.

First-Year Seminar Committee,  1999-2001.

Committee Outcomes Task Force Committee, 1998-1999.

College of Arts & Sciences Graduate Studies Committee, 1990-1991.

College of Arts & Sciences General Education Curriculum Committee, 1989-1990.

Drake University English Department Service

Curriculum Committee Chair, 1994-1995; 1998-2001.

Writing Committee Chair, 2000-2001.

Ad hoc Committee on Dept. Promotion and Tenure Review Procedures, 1994.

Ad hoc Committee on Department Search Procedures, 1993.

Chair, Writers and Critics Committee, 1995-1996.

Undergraduate Program Committee, 1992-1993; Chair 1993-1994.

Search Committee, 1990; 1991-1992.

Graduate Advisor, Department of English, 1990-1991.

Graduate Committee, 1989-1992.

Composition Committee, 1988-2001.

Academic Advisor, 1988-2001.