Student News - Spring 2024

The school’s Dept. of Health Management and Systems Sciences (HMSS) shared several notable accomplishments by their master’s and doctoral students.

AUPHA Upsilon Phi Delta National Honor Society Induction

Four HMSS graduate students were inducted into the Association of University Programs in Health Administration (AUPHA) Upsilon Phi Delta National Honor Society. These individuals have maintained a GPA of 3.50 or higher through more than half of their graduate curriculum requirements and demonstrated high levels of community service. Join us in congratulating: Shivam Gulati, MBBS, Tiff Haub, MS, ATC, JulieAnn Mottern, PT, DPT, OCS, and Connor Smith.

Society of Surgical Oncology Annual Meeting Presentation

Kyle Stephens, MD, presented, “Observed Changes in the Distribution of Colon Cancer Metastasis: A National Cancer Database Review and Institutional Experience” at the Society of Surgical Oncology Annual Meeting in Atlanta, GA, March 20-23. The study found a significant change in the distribution of colon cancer metastases has occurred at an institutional and national level over the past 3 to 5 years. As a result, interdisciplinary treatment strategies will have to be modified accordingly.  Co-authors include: Kyle R. Stephens, MD; Walter Donica MD, Michael Egger, MD, MPH, Prejesh Philips, MD, Charles Scoggins MD, MBA, Kelly McMasters, MD, PhD, and Robert Martin II, MD, PhD.

Doctoral Students Awarded Research!America Civic Engagement Microgrant

HMSS doctoral students Chandrima Chatterjee, MPH, BDS, Yathreb Mohamed, MBA, M.Sc., BS, and Mana Moghadami, MD, were awarded a Civic Engagement Microgrant from Research!America. Microgrants of up to $4,000 are awarded to STEM graduate student and postdoc-led groups to design and execute projects that create dialogue with public officials, local community leaders, and the public around issues of common concern. These funds provide opportunities for grantees to develop skills in areas such as communication and program planning, along with an understanding how public policy and government impact communities.

 UAB Health Administration Case Competition

MSHA students Caleb Coomes, Anastasia Delaney, and Tyson Jackson, who are mentored by Drs. Lee Bewley and Andrew McCart, presented at the University of Alabama at Birmingham's (UAB) Health Administration Case Competition. It is designed to be a capstone experience for graduate students across the United States and Canada.

More than 40 teams from programs accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Management Education (CAHME) focused on a case to better serve behavioral health-needing children in the St. Louis community.

The SPHIS team competed against teams from Saint Louis University, Rush University, University of Memphis, University of Pittsburgh, University of Florida, and University of South Carolina. Coomes, Delaney, and Jackson were commended by judges for their innovative approach and focus on practical strategic implementation techniques to enhance pediatric care coordination and access.

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