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Recent graduate reflects on time at UofL

Arushi Gupta, who earned her BS in Public Health in May 2023, describes the benefits of getting involved on campus.

Arushi GuptaRaiseRED is the University of Louisville’s largest student-run philanthropic organization. We fundraise money for pediatric cancer and blood disorders, while also mentoring the patients at the clinic we raise funds for. As an active member of raiseRED, I have served on the Executive Board for 2 years. As the previous Clinic Needs Coordinator and current External Director, I serve as a liaison between raiseRED, the clinic, and the clinic’s families. I’ve built strong relationships with families battling diagnoses and plan events and mentorship opportunities for them to continue to have fun and further their education outside of their diagnoses/treatments.

When I joined raiseRED, I was driven to fundraise money for advancement in pediatric cancer and blood disorders’ research as I have had many loved ones affected by these diseases. However, raiseRED has given me so much more than just the ability to raise money. As I continued to get more involved, I started to meet the kids and families affected by these diagnoses. Learning about their stories and understanding how social health determinants play such a huge factor in quality of life and access to treatment filled me with a passion to give back more to these families and this community. I have had the privilege to serve on the Executive Board for two years and have been able to interact with diverse families, program educational events for them, program fun events for them, facilitate a mentorship program, and be an advocate for their stories. I have seen myself grow into a healthcare advocate through raiseRED and I have learned the importance of equitable healthcare. Today, I continue to work with families with diverse backgrounds and am grateful that through raiseRED and the events we host for the kids- Fall Festival, Kid Prom, cookouts- kids get to experience life outside of a diagnosis.

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