New Grants & Contracts for SPHIS Faculty

Drs. Richard Baumgartner, Kathy Baumgartner, and Stephanie Boone in the Department of Epidemiology & Population Health received a UofL Competitive Enhancement Grant. This pilot study will test participant recruitment and retention along with biospecimen collection methods. Results will inform a larger cancer study and a proposal to the NIH National Cancer Institute. 

  • Project Period: 3/1/18-2/28/19
  • Title: Biomarkers for Early Detection & Risk: The Kentucky E-DETECT Cohort
  • Total Award: $24,663
  • Sponsor: UofL Office of the Executive Vice President for Research and Innovation.

Dr. Liza Creel, Department of Health Management and System Sciences, and Dr. Susan Buchino, Department of Health Promotion and Behavioral Sciences, have a contract to serve as the research partner for the newly-funded Louisville Law Enforcement Diversion (LEAD) Pilot Program, operated by Louisville Metro Criminal Justice Commission. The LEAD Pilot offers a new local approach in which the Louisville Metro Police Department (LMPD) will exercise discretionary authority at the point of contact to divert individuals from designated police beats in the Russell and Portland neighborhoods, into a community-based, harm-reduction intervention for offenses driven by opioid addiction. By providing intensive case management and social services, it is anticipated that LEAD will reduce recidivism and improve public safety, as well as generate criminal justice system-related cost savings. 

  • Project Period: 10/01/17-03/30/20
  • Title: Louisville Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion (LEAD) Program Evaluation
  • Total Award: $64,984
  • Sponsor: Louisville Metro Government

Dr. Jelani Kerr, Department of Health Promotion and Behavioral Sciences, was awarded a grant from the Jewish Heritage Fund for Excellence to increase knowledge about HIV and pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP). This proposal seeks to develop PrEP materials, provide PrEP education to an AIDS service organization and medical doctors, conduct and media campaign to assess if community knowledge about PrEP increases. The project has great possibility of impacting the local community, and if the intervention is found to be successful, it could be continued to further increase awareness and use in the community.

  • Project Period: 12/01/17-11/30/19
  • Title: Increasing Pre-exposure Prophylaxis among High-Risk African Americans in Louisville KY
  • Total Award: $219,036
  • Sponsor: Jewish Heritage Fund for Excellence 

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