Summer Camp Images

ImageGirl with Glasses
Girl looking through light spectrum glasses
ImageBoy Drinking Tang
Young boy with astronaut hat on drinking Tang
ImageGirl with Kaleidoscope
Girl looking through Kaleidoscope
ImageGirl and Solar Oven
Girl building a solar oven
Image JPEG imageLunarBase
Two girls designing a lunar base using paper and markers.
Image JPEG imageAstronautTraining2
Sensory deprivation exercise with kids using gloves and blindfolds
Image JPEG imageRemote Manipulation
Kids working in pairs to perform an activity modeling using a robotic arm
Image JPEG imageRemote Manipulation
Kids working in pairs to perform an activity modeling using a robotic arm
Image JPEG imageAstronaut Training3
Child working a puzzle wearing gloves to simulate astronaut having to wear gloves when working in space.
Image JPEG imageMars Outpost Planning
Team of 5-6th graders discussing important components to include in Mars Outpost design.