Ann Elizabeth Willey

Professor & Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education


Ann Elizabeth Willey received her Ph.D. in Comparative Literature and Theory from Northwestern University(1993). Her research interests include contemporary African literature and film, and questions of gender, genre and nationalism/globalization. She has co-edited an essay collection about Tsitsi Dangarembga and has published in journals such as Mosaic, Research in African Literatures, and The French Review.

Her research explores a range of fields, including Sub-Saharan African Literature, in French and English, Indigenous language literatures in translation; postcolonial theory; African film and popular culture studies; postcolonial interventions in theories of modernity and the nation, especially as inflected by gender. From 2019-2020, she served as the President of the African Literature Association. She currently serves as the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education.