Erin Lehman

Building the Two-Way Street: A Guide for Two-Year/Four-Year College Writing Program Partnerships

This is a photograph of Erin, a woman with dark hair smiling, wearing a light pink, button up shirt and dark blazer.

Erin Lehman has experience in online learning and is currently the Faculty Lead for the online School of Arts, Sciences, & Education at Ivy Tech Community College. She has taught writing at Ivy Tech Community College for 13 years, serving as instructor and department chair at a small rural campus and now online dean of the College’s centralized delivery hub for online courses. In her current role, she works with about 800 TYC faculty members and oversees about 40,000 student seats (duplicated headcount) each term. She serves as an Executive Board member for CWPA and co-facilitated the CWPA Summer Workshop (2022-2023).