Holly Hassel

Building the Two-Way Street: A Guide for Two-Year/Four-Year College Writing Program Partnerships

Holly Hassel, a photo of a white woman against a beige background with blonde hair, smiling, wearing a black shirt.

Holly Hassel (Michigan Technological University) has served as a writing program administrator at two different universities and led curricular revision efforts in a state-wide, multi-campus two-year college. She has extensive leadership experience in national organizations like the Two-Year College English Association and Conference on College Composition and Communication. Hassel has experience with cross-institutional placement, curriculum, and policy revision in multiple states. Her research focuses on students’ transitions to college reading and writing, as well as writing program administration, pedagogies in women's and gender studies classrooms, feminist leadership and shared governance. She teaches courses in first-year writing, advanced writing, and graduate courses in composition pedagogy.