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Online Bachelor of Arts/Science in Sociology

The online bachelor's in sociology is designed for working professionals who want to earn their bachelor’s degree, as well as better understand social issues and make a difference in society.

Available as either a Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Sociology or a Bachelor of Science (BS) in Sociology, this degree can transform how you approach your role in society by providing you the information and context to examine how social structures shape one’s behaviors, actions and opportunities. Additionally, studying sociology can prepare you with transferable skills such as communication, research and critical thinking that are applicable across diverse fields, ensuring your ability to adapt to changing demands in today’s job market. Tracks in Diversity and Inequality, Sociology of Culture and Health, Medicine, and Well-Being will allow you to customize your expertise to your career goals.

The online BA and BS in sociology are offered by the College of Arts & Sciences at the University of Louisville.

Academic Year Tuition

Tuition, Fees & Aid    

Online Bachelor's in Sociology Program Highlights

  • Gain valuable critical thinking skills and a greater understanding of how social structures form, evolve and influence individuals.
  • Develop the interpersonal communication skills necessary to craft persuasive narratives.
  • Build a versatile set of skills and knowledge, for which employers across all industries actively recruit.
  • Earn a research-based sociology degree taught by the same published faculty within the Department of Sociology as the on-campus program.
  • Transfer in your associate degree or other earned credit from accredited institutions.
  • Take advantage of the flexibility and convenience of 100% online classes.



Complete this degree on your own time through fully online classes.

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Transfer in credit, or take general education, core and elective courses at UofL.

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Choose a Bachelor of Arts or a Bachelor of Science and accomplish your goals!

Online Bachelor of Arts in Sociology social image

"UofL’s Department of Sociology is committed to helping students cultivate robust skills in critical analysis, articulate communication and nuanced problem-solving. A program like ours could equip you for diverse career pathways and enabling profound societal contributions."

Jonetta Weber, PhD
Advisor for Academic Programs in Sociology

Online Bachelor's in Sociology Outcomes

What Career Opportunities are Available for Someone with a Bachelor’s in Sociology?

The field of sociology interacts and permeates with many other fields, occupations, and industries. Sociology is an in-demand degree with employers as the graduates are equipped with the skills to combine effective critical thinking with an understanding of human behavior, efficient communication and conflict-management strategies.

Sociology graduates are well-prepared to pursue careers in fields such as:

  • Social services
  • Human resources
  • Marketing
  • Public relations
  • Criminology
  • Policy-making
  • Education
  • Public and private research
  • Law
  • Journalism
  • Advocacy
  • Community development

These careers can be found in profit, non-profit and government organizations.

Furthermore, a sociology degree can bring a lifelong benefit to your professional life. Since the sociology skillset is so versatile, you could enter a career field and, in the future, change career paths or effectively adapt to the chance of technology innovation changing your position. This also applies if you enter a career field you don’t find fulfilling. You’ll be prepared with the skills to more easily transition to a field that satisfies your personal and professional interests.

Will a Bachelor's in Sociology Prepare Me for a Graduate Program in Sociology or Social Science?

The curriculum of our online bachelor's in sociology—whether you choose the BA or BS—is designed to provide you with a strong foundation in sociological theories, research methods and critical analysis of social issues. Additionally, by engaging in advanced coursework, independent research projects, and/or opportunities for community engagement (internship/volunteer activities), you’ll be gaining valuable knowledge and skills to excel in graduate programs.


Online Bachelor's in Sociology Application Deadlines

Preferred Application Deadline Term Start Date
August 1 Fall August
December 1 Spring January
April 1 Summer May/June

Note: We admit students on a rolling basis. The preferred deadlines help you complete the application process on time, be notified of acceptance and enroll before the term begins. We review applications as they become complete, and admit students for a specific term up to the day classes start. We recommend you work on and submit your complete application well in advance of the preferred deadline, as obtaining transcripts and other materials may take more time.

Steps to Apply for the Online Bachelor's in Sociology

  1. Complete undergraduate application
  2. Submit $30 non-refundable application fee
  3. Submit official transcripts from all institutions previously attended
  4. Check for Scholarships


Online Bachelor's in Sociology Admission Requirements

  • Graduation from an accredited high school
  • GED or equivalent by petition (e.g., home school education)
  • Grade Point Average of 2.0 or higher

Transfer Credit

Students may transfer up to 60 hours from a community college and up to 90 hours from an accredited 4-year college. Transfer applicants must have a minimum college GPA of 2.5 to be admitted in good standing. Complete the credit transfer pre-evaluation to get an idea of how many credits you'll be able to transfer in toward your UofL bachelor's degree, and visit our General Transfer Student page for more details.

Are you a KCTCS student? KCTCS students can transfer completed associate degrees in their entirety and begin immediately with online upper level coursework at UofL. Visit our KCTCS Transfers Page for more information.

See the UofL Transfer Credit Policy for more information.

Start Your Application

Online Bachelor's in Sociology Courses

The online BA in sociology from UofL is a 122 credit hour program, with the following curriculum components::

  • General Education (Cardinal Core) Requirements: 31 credit hours
  • Arts & Sciences Requirements: 22 credit hours
  • Sociology Required Core Courses: 18 credit hours
  • Track Requirements: 51

The online BS in sociology from UofL is a 122-124 credit hour program, with the following curriculum components:

  • General Education (Cardinal Core) Requirements: 31 credit hours
  • Arts & Sciences Requirements: 13-15 credit hours
  • Sociology Required Core Courses: 18 credit hours
  • Track Requirements: 60

All courses are asynchronous and delivered in standard term length.

Online BA in Sociology Courses

General Education Requirements

Courses Credit Hours
General Education Requirements* 31
The following courses are required by the program and
can satisfy the respective General Education Requirement:
SOC 202 Social Problems
SOC 206 Social Justice
SOC 210 Race in the United States
Minimum Total Hours 31

Arts & Sciences Requirements

Courses Credit Hours
GEN 100 Student Success Center First Year Experience OR
GEN 101 Arts & Sciences First Year Experience
Foreign Language 1 12
Electives in Humanities or Natural Sciences2 9
WR—two approved courses at the 300 level or above3
Minimum Total Hours 22

Program/Major Requirements

Courses Credit Hours
Department of Sociology - Required Core Courses 18
SOC 201 Introduction to Sociology
SOC 202 Social Problems4
or SOC 206 Social Justice
or SOC 210 Race in the United States
SOC 301 Introduction to Social Statistics7
SOC 303 Introduction to Research Methods 5,7
SOC 320 Social Theory5
SOC 323 Diversity and Inequality
Track Requirements (see individual tracks for requirements) 51
Graduation requirement or culminating undergraduate experience (CUE) requirement that’s fulfilled by completing
SOC 400, SOC 405, SOC 406, SOC 410, SOC 415, SOC 425, SOC 435, SOC 440, SOC 450, SOC 454,
SOC 455, SOC 464, SOC 470, SOC 472, SOC 480, SOC 499
Minimum Total Hours for Graduation 121
  • Online BA in Sociology Tracks
    • Diversity and Inequality Track
      Course Title Credit Hours
      Select three of the following courses: 9
      SOC 305 Urban Sociology
      SOC 306 Demography
      SOC 315 Environmental Sociology
      SOC 325 Sociology of Human Sexuality
      SOC 327 Sociology of Gender
      SOC 329 Sociology of Families
      SOC 334 Sociology of Deviant Behavior
      SOC 343 Sociology of Women's Health
      SOC 346 Sociology of Religion
      SOC 350 Special Topics in Sociology
      SOC 374 Money, Economics and Society
      SOC 392 Faces of Global Poverty
      Select four of the following courses: 12
      SOC 410 Sociology of Aging
      SOC 415 Sociology of Death & Dying
      SOC 417 Reproductive Justice
      SOC 420 Sociology of Sport
      SOC 425 Sociology of Leisure
      SOC 442 Sociology of Disabilities
      SOC 450 Special Topics in Sociology
      SOC 454 Social Inequality & Stratification
      SOC 456 Gender and Work
      SOC 460 Gender in the Middle East
      SOC 464 Race and Ethnicity
      SOC 470 Political Sociology
      SOC 472 Sociology of Education
      Social Science Supporting Courses
      Select two of the following courses: 6
      ANTH 201 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
      LALS 310 Introduction to Latin American Studies
      PAS 200 Introduction to Pan-African Studies
      WGST 201 Women In American Culture
      WGST 301 Introduction to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Studies
      Select four of the following courses: 12
      ANTH 309 Sex, Gender and Culture
      ANTH 310 Race, Culture, Identity
      ANTH 318 African-American Cultural Traditions
      ANTH 320 Indigenous Peoples of North America - D1, SBH
      ANTH 321 American Indian Women
      ANTH 331 Anthropology of Religion
      ANTH 339 The Anthropology of Space and Place
      CJ 352 Sex Crimes
      CJ 360 Juvenile Justice
      CJ 375 Social and Restorative Justice
      CJ 405 Crimes Against the Elderly
      CJ 430 Environmental Crime
      CJ 440 Human Trafficking: Critical Thinking About Modern-Day Slavery
      COMM 325 Communicating Hip-Hop Culture
      COMM 326 African Americans in American Media
      ECON 331 Labor Economics
      GEOG 324 Race and Place
      GEOG 340 Environmental Conflict in the United States: Historical Foundations & Contemporary Problem
      HIST 313 Comparative Environmental History
      HIST 319 African-American History I
      HIST 320 African-American History II
      HIST 322 The History of the Civil Rights Movement, 1900 to Present
      HIST 323 Modern American Social Movements
      HIST 324 The History of Women, 1700 to the Present
      HIST 326 History of Childhood in America
      PAS 205 Race, Color and Consciousness
      PAS 247 Language, Protest and Identity
      PAS 305 Legal Lynchings: A Survey of Race, Law, and the American Justice System
      PAS 324 Politics, Political Violence and Black Resistance
      PAS 325 Politics of Black Male Identity in Post-Modern America
      PAS 327 Politics of the Black Community
      PAS 333 Black Student Experience: Issues with Persistence & Inclusion in PWIs
      PAS 335 Survey of African-American Education
      PAS 338 Race and Economics
      PAS 339 Black Women and the Criminology System
      PAS 344 Black Lesbian Lives
      PAS 364 Racism and Sexism
      PAS 374 The Black Power Movement
      PEAC 325 Peace, Justice & Conflict Transformation
      POLS 315 Race, Law and Politics
      POLS 316 Gender, Sexuality & Law
      POLS 318 Religion and United States Politics - D1, SB
      POLS 323 Queer Politics
      POLS 324 Women in American Politics
      POLS 327 African-American Politics
      WGST 349 Color Complex of Black Women
      Minimum Total Hours 51
    • Sociology of Culture Track
      Course Title Credit Hours
      Select three of the following courses: 9
      SOC 305 Urban Sociology
      SOC 325 Sociology of Human Sexuality
      SOC 327 Sociology of Gender
      SOC 329 Sociology of Families
      SOC 344 Sociology of Music in Contemporary America
      SOC 346 Sociology of Religion
      SOC 350 Special Topics in Sociology
      SOC 374 Money, Economics and Society
      SOC 380 Animals and Society
      Select four of the following courses: 12
      SOC 415 Sociology of Death & Dying
      SOC 420 Sociology of Sport
      SOC 425 Sociology of Leisure
      SOC 450 Special Topics in Sociology
      SOC 454 Social Inequality & Stratification
      SOC 455 Sociology of Work
      SOC 456 Gender and Work
      SOC 464 Race and Ethnicity
      SOC 470 Political Sociology
      SOC 472Sociology of Education
      Social Science Supporting Courses
      Select two of the following courses: 6
      ANTH 201 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
      LALS 310 Introduction to Latin American Studies
      LALS 310 Introduction to Latin American Studies
      PAS 200 Introduction to Pan-African Studies
      LALS 310 Introduction to Latin American Studies
      WGST 201 Women In American Culture
      WGST 301 Introduction to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Studies
      Select four of the following courses: 12
      ANTH 205 Music in World Cultures
      ANTH 309 Sex, Gender and Culture
      ANTH 310 Race, Culture, Identity
      ANTH 318 African-American Cultural Traditions
      ANTH 320 Indigenous Peoples of North America
      ANTH 321 American Indian Women
      ANTH 328 Environmental Archaeology
      ANTH 331 Anthropology of Religion
      ANTH 332 Ecology, Politics and Culture
      ANTH 334
      ANTH 339 The Anthropology of Space and Place
      ANTH 340
      ANTH 342 Museums, Culture and Nationhood
      ANTH 343 Language and Culture
      COMM 433 Children and Television
      COMM 435 Media, Culture and Society
      GEOG 324 Race and Place
      PAS 214 African-American Music
      PAS 272 Reggae Music & the Politics of Black Liberation
      PAS 273 The Rhythm and Blues Revolution and American Culture
      PAS 310 African-American Art to 1920
      PAS 311 African-American Art 1920 to Present
      PAS 330 Women in African-American Religion
      PAS 344 Black Lesbian Lives
      PAS 372 Black Music and Identity in the 1960s
      WGST 203 Gender Issues in Public Dialogue
      WGST 303 Humanities and Gender
      WGST 395 Women, Media and Culture
      WGST 522 The Body in Popular Media
      WGST 523 Gender and Popular Music
      WGST 538 Woman and Sport
      Minimum Total Hours 51
    • Non-track option
      Course Title Credit Hours
      Environment, Health and Population Studies – select one of the following courses: 3
      SOC 305 Urban Sociology
      SOC 306 Demography
      SOC 307 Rural Sociology
      SOC 315 Environmental Sociology
      SOC 329 Sociology of Families
      SOC 340 Mental Health and Illness
      SOC 342 Medical Sociology
      SOC 343 Sociology of Women's Health
      SOC 350 Special Topics in Sociology
      SOC 392 Faces of Global Poverty
      SOC 394 Globalization, Culture and Third-World Development
      Social Inequalities, Behavioral, and Structural Studies – select two of the following courses: 6
      SOC 325 Sociology of Human Sexuality
      SOC 327 Sociology of Gender
      SOC 334 Sociology of Deviant Behavior
      SOC 336 Criminology
      SOC 344 Sociology of Music in Contemporary America
      SOC 346 Sociology of Religion
      SOC 374 Money, Economics and Society
      SOC 380 Animals and Society
      Four 400-level Sociology electives 12
      Social Science Supporting Courses – select one of the following courses: 3
      ANTH 201 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
      LALS 310 Introduction to Latin American Studies
      PAS 200 Introduction to Pan-African Studies
      WGST 201 Women In American Culture
      WGST 301 Introduction to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Studies
      Electives in Social Sciences other than Sociology, of which 6 hours must be at 300 level or above 15
      Minimum Electives 12
      Minimum Total Hours 51

Online BS in Sociology Courses

General Education Requirements

Courses Credit Hours
General Education Requirements* 31
The following courses are required by the program and can satisfy the respective General Education Requirement:
SOC 202 Social Problems
SOC 206 Social Justice
SOC 210 Race in the United States
Minimum Total Hours 31

Arts & Sciences Requirements

Courses Credit Hours
GEN 100 Student Success Center First Year Experience OR
GEN 101 Arts & Sciences First Year Experience
Foreign Language1 6-8
Electives in Humanities or Natural Sciences at 300-level or above 2 6
WR—two approved courses at the 300 level or above 3
Minimum Total Hours 13-15

Program/Major Requirements

Courses Credit Hours
Department of Sociology - Required Core Courses 18
SOC 201 Introduction to Sociology
SOC 202 Social Problems4
or SOC 206 Social Justice
or SOC 210 Race in the United States
SOC 301 Introduction to Social Statistics 8
SOC 303 Introduction to Research Methods 8
SOC 320 Social Theory
SOC 323 Diversity and Inequality
Track Requirements (see individual tracks for requirements) 60
Graduation requirement or culminating undergraduate experience (CUE) requirement that’s fulfilled by completing SOC 400, SOC 405, SOC 406, SOC 410, SOC 415, SOC 425, SOC 435, SOC 440, SOC 450, SOC 454, SOC 455, SOC 464, SOC 470, SOC 472, SOC 480, SOC 499
Minimum Total Hours for Graduation 121
  • Online BS in Sociology Tracks
    • Health, Medicine, and Well-Being Track
      Course Title Credit Hours
      Select one of the following courses: 3
      SOC 305 Urban Sociology
      SOC 306 Demography
      SOC 307 Rural Sociology
      SOC 315Environmental Sociology
      SOC 325 Sociology of Human Sexuality
      SOC 327 Sociology of Gender
      SOC 329 Sociology of Families
      SOC 334 Sociology of Deviant Behavior
      Select two of the following courses: 6
      SOC 340 Mental Health and Illness
      SOC 342 Medical Sociology
      SOC 343 Sociology of Women's Health
      SOC 350 Special Topics in Sociology
      Select four of the following courses: 12
      SOC 410 Sociology of Aging
      SOC 415 Sociology of Death & Dying
      SOC 425 Sociology of Leisure
      SOC 435 Sociology of Health and Illness
      SOC 440 The Health Care System
      SOC 442 Sociology of Disabilities
      SOC 450 Special Topics in Sociology
      SOC 454 Social Inequality & Stratification
      One 200+ Sociology elective 3
      Social Science Supporting Courses – select one of the following courses: 3
      ANTH 201 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
      LALS 310 Introduction to Latin American Studies
      PAS 200 Introduction to Pan-African Studies
      WGST 201 Women In American Culture
      WGST 301 Introduction to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Studies
      Electives in Social Sciences other than Sociology, of which 18 hours must come from the course list indicated below;
      6 hours must be at the 300+ level, and 3 hours must be an ethics course
      Minimum Electives 21
      Minimum Total Hours 60
    • Non-track option
      Course Title Credit Hours
      Environment, Health and Population Studies – select one of the following courses: 3
      SOC 305 Urban Sociology
      SOC 306 Demography
      SOC 307 Rural Sociology
      SOC 315 Environmental Sociology
      SOC 329 Sociology of Families
      SOC 340 Mental Health and Illness
      SOC 342 Medical Sociology
      SOC 343 Sociology of Women's Health
      SOC 350 Special Topics in Sociology
      SOC 392 Faces of Global Poverty
      SOC 394 Globalization, Culture and Third-World Development
      Social Inequalities, Behavioral, and Structural Studies – select two of the following courses: 6
      SOC 325 Sociology of Human Sexuality
      SOC 327 Sociology of Gender
      SOC 334 Sociology of Deviant Behavior
      SOC 336 Criminology
      SOC 344 Sociology of Music in Contemporary America
      SOC 346 Sociology of Religion
      SOC 374 Money, Economics and Society
      SOC 380 Animals and Society
      Four 400-level Sociology electives 12
      One 200+ level Sociology elective 3
      SOC 400 Independent Study or SOC 405 Community Engagement 3
      Social Science Supporting Courses
      Select one of the following courses: 3
      ANTH 201 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
      LALS 310 Introduction to Latin American Studies
      PAS 200 Introduction to Pan-African Studies
      WGST 201 Women In American Culture
      WGST 301 Introduction to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Studies
      Electives in Social Sciences other than Sociology, of which 6 hours must be at 300 level or above 21
      Minimum Electives 21
      Minimum Total Hours 60


Sociology majors may take no more than six hours of “Special Topics” courses in sociology to meet degree requirements.

At least 50 of the total minimum hours required must be at the 300 level or above.

Completion of the BS in sociology degree requires completion of SOC 303 and SOC 320 with a grade of C or better.

* All degrees require the completion of the university-wide General Education Program. Some General Education requirements may be met in the requirements for the major or supporting coursework, in which case additional electives may be required to complete the minimum hours for the degree.

1 Completion of the second semester of a single foreign language; hours will vary depending on the language taken.

2 In addition to courses counted toward General Education.

3 May be incorporated into other degree requirements.

4 May be used to satisfy a General Education requirement.

5 SOC 350 may be used to satisfy this degree requirement depending on the appropriateness of its topic and with the department undergraduate advisor's approval. Other sociology electives may be substituted upon approval from the department undergraduate advisor.

6 In addition to courses counted toward general education.

7 Students who satisfy General Education Requirements by courses defined by the program will require additional electives to complete the minimum hours for the degree.

8 Students may be allowed to substitute a statistics course for SOC 301 and/or a methods course for SOC 303 but must gain the permission from the Department of Sociology Undergraduate Advisor prior to doing so and must take a 300+ level sociology elective in lieu of the required sociology course. Students must also earn a C or better in the statistics and/or methods course from the other department for it to count it toward sociology degree requirements.

Course Descriptions

Online Bachelor's in Sociology Success Team

    Online Bachelor's in Sociology FAQ

    • What are the benefits of online learning?

      The biggest benefit of online learning is that you can work to earn your degree from your own home while raising a family, working full-time or experiencing particular life circumstances that make commuting to campus difficult or impossible.

    • How is the online program different than the campus program?

      At UofL you are taught by the same world-class faculty as our on-campus students. You read the same books, do many of the same assignments and earn the same degree. Neither your transcript nor your diploma notes your degree was completed online, only that you completed courses at the University of Louisville. The biggest difference is that you are able to do coursework on your own time and in a way that best fits your learning and lifestyle.

    • Can I receive credit for courses completed at another school?

      On a case-by-case basis, credit transfer is allowed from an accredited university to fulfill general education requirements. See the UofL Transfer Credit Policy for more information.

    • Is the Sociology Student Association (SSA) available for online students?

      The Sociology Student Association encourages online students to join their fall/spring monthly meetings via Teams and participate, as they can, in any service activities or other events. Additionally, students are encouraged to join the international association for sociology — the American Sociological Association. Their Major in Sociology website links students to career information and guidance on professional development.

    • I have never attended college (or I have earned less than 24 credits so far). Can I earn this degree online?

      Yes, you may begin – or continue – your college degree at UofL by choosing a fully online degree.

    • Are courses taught by UofL faculty?

      Yes, all sociology courses are taught by full- and part- time faculty who work in the Department of Sociology and also teach our on-campus sociology courses. In fact, most, if not all, of our part-time faculty in any given year are alumni of our graduate programs. As such, our instructors are already familiar with the UofL system and are committed to the success of UofL and its students.

    Online Bachelor's in Sociology: BA or BS?

    UofL’s online bachelor’s in sociology is available as both an arts and a science degree to help you get the experience that’s right for you. Use the chart below to begin determining which degree option fits your career path and goals.

    BA in Sociology BS in Sociology
    Curriculum 31 hours of general education requirements
    22 hours of Art & Sciences requirements
    18 hours of program/major courses
    51 hours of track requirements
    31 hours of general education requirements
    13-15 hours of Art & Sciences requirements
    18 hours of program/major courses
    60 hours of track requirements
    Tracks Diversity and Inequality
    Sociology of Culture
    Non-track option
    Health, Medicine, and Well-Being
    Non-track option
    Outcomes More emphasis on a foreign language, a valuable skill in today's globalized job market. SOC 405 provides students with an opportunity to connect with local organizations and apply their degrees to societal issues through classroom instruction and a volunteer or internship experience.*

    * SOC 405, while required for BS students, is also available to BA students.