Community Writing Internships and Volunteering

Our community writing projects, at Family Scholar House and the Western Branch Library, offer UofL undergraduate and graduate students opportunities for learning how to teach writing and work in community settings. Students involved in the  programs have engaged in a range of activities from writing tutoring to helping create and run writing workshops and events to assisting in other programming from our community partners. They have talked about how meaningful they found these experiences of working with community members on writing and reading projects. Students have found the projects provided them with skills and experience that enhance their education as well as their professional goals. You can read more about the projects here.

If you are a member of the UofL community and you’re interested in getting involved with our community literacy projects as an undergraduate intern or as a volunteer, please contact us at (502) 852-2173 or . We encourage students who have not had previous teaching or tutoring experience to take English 508: Literacy Tutoring Across Contexts and Cultures, which includes work with these community partnerships. In addition, students who have taken English 508 or or English 506: Teaching Writing, are eligible for internships at these community sites, coordinated by the University Writing Center. If you are interested in volunteering or having an internship at one of these sites, but have not taken English 508 or English 506, contact us to see if you might be eligible.

We are excited to connect UofL students with these important community groups in our ongoing mission of helping people to use writing and reading to express their ideas in innovative and creative ways. Come join in!